วันเสาร์ที่ 31 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Where Did My Money Go? 5 Pillars of Money Management

Let's be honest, money can be slippery. It can slide out of your hands before you can even say, "goodbye." For most of us, spending money isn't the problem. It's holding on to it and making it grow that gives us the most grief.

While I was doing the research for my first book, "Cool Stuff" They Should Teach in School, I interviewed financial planners, investment analysts, and wealthy businesspeople. After collecting this information at the ripe old age of 17, I was seriously confused. But after writing, reading, and re-writing about the topic, I began to notice a pattern of basic money management rules emerge.

I learned that managing money correctly doesn't have to be an overwhelming process. Those people who are financially free tend to live by five very simple principles.

Rule #1: Take responsibility
One of the biggest myths I see today is that we all deserve a great life full of nice things, plenty of money, and tons of happiness. The truth is, there is only one person in charge of the quality of your life ... you!

The first step to becoming financially independent is to take responsibility for your own money. When, where, and how do you spend your money? Those questions may seem obvious, but most people hesitate to answer them. Be aware of your spending habits. All of these rules are related, but you have to realize that your actions determine whether you're digging for spare change in the couch or flying first class to Fiji on your vacation.

Rule #2: Pay yourself first
It may seem selfish, but if you don't pay yourself first, you'll never be financially set. This means take the first ten percent (or more-it's your future) of what you earn and invest it right away. Remember, money never seen cannot be missed.

My parents introduced this rule to me at a very young age-even though I was only getting paid one dollar an hour. Today, I thank them for it because I now have money saved up for emergencies and have laid a strong foundation for my future.

Rule #3: Give before you get
You don't get a tree unless you plant a seed. And investing requires the same process. You'll never become rich unless you plant your money into a worthwhile investment. The more time that passes, the more your money will grow. (That's right, just like a tree)

Your dreams will come true as a result your own responsibility, sacrifices, and patience. For two summers, I sacrificed tons of time I could have been hanging out with friends and going to the beach in order to finish my book. But giving my time and effort has contributed to getting the life I want. In other words, we might have to give up some things now, to make things easier (or better) later on.

Perhaps Zig Ziglar said it best: "Do the thing things you need to do when you need to do them and the day will come when you will be able to do the things you want to do when you want to do them."

Rule #4: Opportunity cost
Whether you're buying a coffee, an expensive outfit, or a car, each choice you make has an opportunity cost. In short, this means that when you make one choice, you're giving up another alternative. Any decision that leaves you with two or more choices is an example of opportunity cost. Essentially, we are all faced with the same situation ... We must choose between "the pleasures of the now" or delayed gratification. Each dollar we spend shapes our financial condition. How are your money management decisions contributing to your future?

Rule #5: Get your money to work for you
There are two categories we spend money on.

i) Assets
ii) Liabilities.

To simplify things, I like to call these Money Eaters and Money Makers.

The name gives it away; you don't want to spend the majority of your money on liabilities or Money Eaters (ME) because these things will devour your dinero. Look at these purchases as junk food to your bank account. It's money that you spend on yourself for immediate pleasure, hence the first letter of each word: "ME." Money Eaters are things you buy that decrease in value once purchased, (music CD's, clothes, stereo equipment, etc.)

On the other side, you want more of the M&M's ... or the Money Makers. Like the name suggests, these are purchases that allow your money to grow or investments that increase in value. This is what some people refer to as, "making your money work for you." Yes, it's definitely a good thing.

Think before you spend. If you spend too much money on "ME" you'll never have the freedom you really want. Search for M&M's and invest in things that will make you more money ... not eat it. Don't just work for money, have your money work for you.

- Kent Healy

At a young age reality gave Kent D. Healy a wake up call. He realized that he was not getting taught the important life-skills in school that he needed to become successful in the real world. Kent then partnered with his brother at age 17 to write his first book, "Cool Stuff" They Should Teach In School.

Since the book has been released, the overwhelming positive feedback has driven him to start his own publishing company called "Cool Stuff" Media, Inc. The success of this company and the personal development material created by Kent has made him one of the most popular and sought-after young experts on the topic of success.

Kent is a columnist, personal life coach, entrepreneur, and speaker. He has teamed up with some of the world's most respected leaders in the field of psychology and personal transformation-including the recent release of his book, The Success Principles for Teens which he co-authored with Jack Canfield.

Whether you're looking for motivation, self-improvement information, parenting tips & resources, class educational materials, or more FREE stuff, be sure to visit http://www.coolstuffmedia.com to see the many different ways we can help you. Hope to hear from you soon.

Follow Kent on Twitter: http://twitter.com/Kent_Healy

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วันศุกร์ที่ 30 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Finding Legitimate Online Money Making Opportunities

"Money makes the world go 'round." This saying has been around for a very long time and is just as true today as the first day it was said. Without a source of income, no one can live. A person needs money in order to eat, have a warm, safe place to sleep and be able to get around. Many people feel that there must be an easy way to make money online and spend a great deal of time trying to find that way. With the increasing popularity of the internet, more people are trying to make their money online.

Methods for Making Money on the Internet

There are many ways in which a person can make money online. Simply searching for this term can yield thousands of results that a person must weed through. In addition to legitimate possibilities lie many more hoaxes or scams. One must be very careful to determine which of these opportunities will make them the money they are looking for and which ones will result in losing money instead. This can be a very tricky determination but there are things a person can do to help make that determination.

Making Sure Your Idea is Legitimate

One of the most important things a person can do to determine if the opportunity to make money online that they are looking at is legitimate is to check things out. The internet offers many message boards where those who work over the internet talk about their jobs. If you check these boards, you may be able to information on the opportunity that you are considering. If others have not had success with the business, you likely will not either. On the other hand, if you can find others who have had positive experiences, then odds are, with a little work, you also can succeed.

Things to Lookout For

If an online business opportunity requires you to make a deposit before beginning, making sure that the business offers you a money back guarantee. If you are going to try to "make money online," you do not want to have to spend money with no guarantees that you will make money. There are many businesses on the internet that will ask you for a large amount of money and will not have a policy to back it up. Make sure that you get any guarantees in writing before submitting a payment.

Getting Rich Quick: Reality Check

There is no such thing as getting rich quick. Any business that offers you that is not being truthful with you. There are many opportunities to make money online. However none of them will happen overnight. They will all take some work and time on your part. There are jobs online that will allow you to make enough to sufficiently live off of but you will need to work at it.

Working for a legitimate business making real money online can be a person's dream come true. Whether you are a woman trying to find a way to stay home with her kids while they are growing up or a retiree who wants to supplement their retirement income, finding a way to make money online can be a real lifesaver.

Andre Zayas is a professionally syndicated author.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Facts About Counterfeit Money

One thing to remember is to not let happiness at receiving money blind you to the fact that it might be counterfeit. Ordinary consumers can be victims of this fraud as well as businesses. While advances at the Treasury have made it more difficult for money to be counterfeited, the criminals are always working hard to find ways around the Treasury's roadblocks.

The Treasury Department is responsible for our money, coins and paper money, and they have many tips for checking your money to see if it is real or not. There are also now some interesting devices that can be used to confirm that we are not passing or receiving counterfit money instead of the real thing, but observation and facts should be all you need.

It is recommended by the Treasury Department that you compare two bills to check for authenticity. Use the bill you are unsure of, and use a bill you are sure of, such as one you received at a bank. Using a magnifying glass or other enlarging device, look for differing details. Pay particular attention to the facial details of the portraits. A genuine bill will have a much clearer and more realistic portrait. Fake bills may also appear dingier or have a less vibrant appearance.

The next things to inspect are the seals for the Federal Reserve and United States Treasury. Real money will have seals that have a pointed, saw-like border which is distinct and well-defined. Seals on counterfeit money on the other hand will often have broken, missing, or ill-defined edges and may be a dullish color. Also look out for blurriness in the scroll patterns.

An excellent point of reference is the serial number. Counterfeit money often uses a font that does not quite match real money. It also may use a slightly different color ink. Real money will use even spacing between the characters which will also be perfectly aligned. Also the color exactly matches the color of the seals.

Paper used for US bills is a unique type of formulation and has specific colors laid in so it can be identified. It can only be used for money and not copied or imitated for any other purpose. Sometimes, rather than trying to manufacture paper to match it, people bleach the lower denomination bills then print higher values on and try to pass them off as real.

An even more amazingly brazen trick is cutting the corners from higher denominations and pasting them on lower ones hoping no one will notice. The Treasury shows a one dollar bill with a "10" pasted over the one. We all know George Washington is not on $10 bills, but someone rushed might accept even obvious counterfit money. Occasionally, even coins are faked, but this mostly limited to very rare coins.

American currency has undergone some updating recently to hinder potential counterfeiters. According to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing the newer bills have had some colors added, as well as some more sophisticated security features. On the new $50 there is color changing ink, that alters according to the angle at which you hold it, there is a new watermark, microprinting, and the embedded 'USA 50' thread.

The US Treasury has suggestions for avoiding counterfit money. Compare suspicious bills to good ones and check for differences in color, sharpness of printing, depth of images and contrast. A magnifier helps. Saw-edges and borders may be blurred for fake money and higher denomination numbers may be pasted over the ones in corners. Look for the special paper for currency and a strip with the dollar value on the newer multicolor bills. These also have color changing inks when tilted.

For more on finance, please visit http://www.gfprivateequitygroup.biz where you can learn about everything that has to do with money, even counterfit money

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วันพุธที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ways For Kids To Earn Money

Thinking of ways for kids to earn money before they are old enough to have a regular job can seem like a challenge.

Years ago, before child labor laws, it was so normal for kids to be working alongside adults that the very thought of looking for ways for kids to make money would have been ridiculous! Sometimes, the money earned by kids kept a family from starvation.

We live in better times now. There is usually plenty to eat, and we expect our kids to focus on their education, not support the family.

However, the school system in the Western world is highly geared to producing good employees. There are real risks if you leave your child's financial education to the so-called "education experts". Remember that the teachers, the inspectors, the administrators, the people who write the curriculum guidelines, and the politicians who make the laws about education are all, themselves, employees. Many of them have never been anything else.

It's up to parents to instill that good old-fashioned value of self-reliance, and encourage kids to get out and make money for themselves.

Kids can do all sorts of things to earn money. The only limit is your imagination.


Baking for busy working mothers

Collecting aluminium cans

Cleaning swimming pools


Letter-box leaflet drops

Running errands

Dog washing

Selling things on eBay

Making jewellery

Making My Space backgrounds


Collecting for charity on commission

Buying bulk candy and selling individual pieces

Entertainers at kids' parties

Exercising horses

Breeding rats (or other pets)

Comic book rental library

Toy rental library

Collecting lost golf balls

Washing cars

... and hundreds more!

Not so long ago, kids didn't need to look for ways to earn money, because 95% or more of the population were self-employed. People worked on their own farms, in retail, or in cottage industries. Kids grew up surrounded by commerce, watching the exchange of valuable services for money, and inhaling the principles of adding value and making a profit with their every breath.

These days, the majority of people depend on someone else's entrepreneurial spirit to generate revenue and pay them a wage directly, or they are indirectly relying on those same business owners because they work for a government funded by taxing the private sector and its employees.

With this shift from enterprise to job-seeking has come a corresponding shift from self-reliance to dependence. We have almost lost the ability to take care of ourselves financially.

Most people are expecting an employer or the government to take care of them when they can no longer work. Or, worse, they aren't even thinking about how they might survive financially beyond this year, this month, or even this week.

Basic entrepreneurship should be part of every child's education. But we can't expect the employees who teach in schools to pass on skills they don't have. As with the other crucial life skills like dental hygiene, eating right, and avoiding poisons, teaching the skills of money and business is very much the parent's responsibility. Help your kids to find ways to earn money, and build their skills for life.

Free book to download - Finding The Right Niche For Your Cash-Smart Kid Free email course - Get Started! How To Start A Money-Making Web Site For Your Child

Jenny Ford is an expert in educating children about business and wealth creation. She is one of the founders of Cash-Smart Kids.
She holds an Honours degree in Psychology, a Diploma in Training and Assessment Systems, and an Advanced Diploma in Business Management. She is the mother of three young entrepreneurs, all of whom started successful businesses when they were nine to twelve years old.
Kids Money Articles Review by Jenny Ford

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วันอังคารที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Coming Into Sudden Money - How Fun Would That Be?

Wouldn't it be great to start off a new season with a boat load of cash? I mean the amount of cash you could use to pay all debts, put your kids through any college (and grad school), buy the home of your dreams and a vacation home, and still have enough money left over to give generously and then live off the interest.

Probably the best get-rich-quick scheme that has made people into instant millionaires is the lottery, in most U.S. states. Have you wondered what you would do with all that money if you won the lottery? Well, most likely you would pay off all your debts, put some away for the kids to go to college, buy a larger house, buy a second house, buy a few really nice cars, and then live peacefully off the interest. Yes, that would be great, especially the peaceful part. That's how those lottery winners live their lives, right?

Not according to Susan Bradley, who wrote Sudden Money: Managing a Windfall. Bradley found that lottery winners and others who come into new cash will either keep the money and lose family and friends, lose the money and keep family and friends, or lose both. Very few lottery winners keep the money and keep family and friends.

As I researched lottery winners and their lives post-winning, I found this is true many times. Regardless of whether people kept the money or lost most of it, I was interested in why many do not keep family and friends. For most, it was because people wanted the lottery winner to invest in their business ideas, and the new millionaires refused (and the family or friend dropped them), or the new millionaires invested, and it was a bust (and the millionaire dropped the family or friend). For some, it was because people wanted the winner to support them or give them free stuff.

Janite Lee won $18 million in 1993 in Missouri. She generously gave money to charities, schools, politicians, and education. Eight years after winning, she filed for bankruptcy. She had $700 left.

Billie Bob Harrell won $31 million in 1997 in Texas. He was to receive $1.24 million annually for 25 years. It was great at first. He bought a ranch. He bought homes and cars for himself and family members. He gave generously to his church and to people in need. A lot of people came to him requesting money. But the giving, lending, and spending got out of control. His wife left him a year later, and in 1999 he killed himself.

Sometimes just being a relative of a lottery winner is bad news. In 2004 in Illinois, a teenage girl whose grandfather won the lottery a couple years earlier overdosed on drugs, which she was able to buy because her grandfather supplied the money. Other teens who knew she had a lot of money pressured her to buy the drugs and use them.

Just like when psychologists say that love and hate run closely together, so do sudden wealth and sudden loss. People who come into money quickly, such as lottery winners and people who receive large inheritances, usually make decisions too soon. They put their house on the market and buy a new one right away. They buy several cars, quit their jobs, and invest in ideas that sound great.

So what can a person do to protect themselves when they suddenly find themselves with a lot of money?

The first is to proclaim a moratorium on decision-making. They should put the money into safe investments for the time being and then take some time (say, 3 to 6 months) before taking any action on money decisions. The 3- to 6-month timeframe is a planning stage.

The next thing they need to do is to get organized and focused. They need to list the major life decisions they'll need to make in the next 5 years. Then they should list their assets and debts, and review their current insurance coverage.

During the 3- to 6-month planning stage, they should write out how they're going to live during this stage. What will their expenses be? Where will they get their income during this time (and how much)? How long will this planning stage last?

Beyond the planning stage, they need to review their income for the following 12 months and beyond. They should plan out their taxes and what is leftover. They need to plan out what they want their life to look like in the next 5 years. (For example, where will you live? What will you do every day? What will you be involved in? How extravagant will your life become?) They need to ask themselves what future expenses are coming, such as college education, retirement, and really great trips. Plus, they need to plan for how much philanthropy they want to be involved in, for at least the next 5 years.

During the planning stage, a new millionaire will also want to find a financial advisor, accountant, and estate attorney (and perhaps a wealth psychologist). They can ask for referrals and then interview each professional to get a good idea of compatibility.

I know people who play the lottery regularly. I told them if they win to come talk to me and I'll give them some decision-making advice (without asking for handouts).

In addition, I've read that people who come into sudden money notice their phone ringing a lot more often, as people they don't even know find out about their new money, find their phone number, and start calling asking for investment money and handouts. (This is in addition to the family members and friends who start calling a lot more often.) This would be a good time to either drop the home phone number completely (even if that number has been the home number for years) or get a new home number. Likewise, getting new cell phone numbers would probably be a good idea. (Then only tell select people the new numbers.)

What about those friends and family you might lose if you come into sudden money? You know what? You can't control other peoples' responses when you choose not to invest in their business ideas or give them loans or handouts. You have to make the best decisions you can with your new money and let the other chips fall where they may.

I've realized that when I've gone through difficult times, I've found out who my real friends are. The same principle applies to sudden money. If you get it, you will know who your real friends are within one year.

If you ever find yourself the recipient of an influx of cash, keep your head on straight. Don't go to extremes. Give yourself quarterly reality checks. Expect that you are going to lose some friends and family members. And get advice from several qualified professional people regularly.

Glory Borgeson is a business coach, author, and speaker, and the president of Borgeson Consulting, Inc. She works with two groups of people: Small business owners, to help them catapult their business to new levels of profit; and executives in the "honeymoon phase" of a new position (typically the first two years) to coach them to success. Top athletes have a coach; why not you?

E-mail us for a FREE copy of the "Brand Yourself! Special Report" (a $14.95 value). If you haven't pursued much about personal branding, this is the time to start! Send us an e-mail at info@borgesonconsulting.com and in the Subject type "Brand Yourself Special Report"!

Also check out Glory's book, "Catapult Your Business to New Heights: Sure-Fire Strategies to Increase Profit". Designed to get small businesses on a better profit-making path, "Catapult" is a practical approach that exercises both the business and the owner! The book is available in both Paperback and E-book versions. Click here to find out more: Programs & Products (Or purchase on Amazon.)

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วันจันทร์ที่ 26 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How Much Money Do You Make Selling Avon?

No matter who you are around the country today, most if not all people have heard of Avon the beauty supplier. You may not know but Avon is the largest beauty supplier in the world. Many have had the chance to try their products and like them as well.

A company this size have better have decent products or they would have not survived this long. Although we know very well about the products themselves but how well do we understand the income opportunity that they offer. The question is how much money do you make selling Avon..

Along with this question many people wonder is it worth it to get started in Avon to make extra or what do I need to do to start making money with Avon. The important thing that most people would really like to know though is how much money do you make selling Avon again asking the same thing, because really it is great to have the products but you want some extra cash otherwise you would be searching for this.

First of all the thing that needs to be understood about Avon is that it is MLM or networking marketing company. Like any MLM the way to the real money is to through recruiting others to to sell the products and have them recruit other and so on a so forth. So you have all your team members selling along with you to generate money.

Lets go back first of all to the what if you were to just sell the products how much money do you make will Avon then. Well Avon will pay you 20 to 50% commission on what you sell depending on how expensive the order. Now if you were to get people to join you would earn 12% off of what they sell. The idea behind all of this is you make more selling your own technically, but you also have to work much harder and therefore if you plan to make a long term income with Avon you need to recruit others.

This may sound great and may not seem this hard and you may have heard the many success stories with Avon. What you probably do not hear though is that those stories are from less than 20% of the people that ever start an Avon business. I don't know about you but to me that doesn't sound like good odds. One other problem with this is not many people are salesman or don't want to be a salesman, but really to succeed in this business you need to be one.

So we ask the question again how much money do you make selling Avon?

We'll that is up to you.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 25 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Easy Money Fast Washing Windows

As people get older, there are more and more small things that they discover that they can no longer do. Every neighborhood is full of people that due to their age just can't do the things that they need to keep up with the demands of their property. One of the first things that is elected to be left unattended is window cleaning. Windows are a pain for anyone to have to do, the high ones are even worse, especially if you are older and you no longer have the ability to climb up ladders. If you need to make money fast window washing just might save your day.

Just by walking around door-to-door, and asking the elderly people in your neighborhood, there is a potential to make a fortune. If you want to take it one step further, you can go to your courthouse, and neighboring courthouses to collect the addresses of all the elderly people that are close to you. If you do not want to go door-to-door to strangers houses than type up a letter describing what you want to do and mail the letters to the people.

Be sure that you include your name, phone number and a general price guide for the people to follow. When the calls come in, be sure to do a good job. Be professional and friendly. You will be invited back if you are personable you will be surprised when the people ask you to do other small jobs for them.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money and Happiness

A friend of mine, Steve Moeller, did research on the science of happiness. He gathered information to write a book about what really makes people happy. He gave me permission to share some excerpts with you from an article he wrote for Investment Advisor magazine. I found his thoughts very interesting, and hope you will too.

The assumption that more money will make us happier is etched into our consciousness. Happiness is something we all want; it's the holy grail of Western civilization. Biologists have recently proven that all higher species from lizards up to humans are biologically programmed to pursue pleasure and positive emotions. It's a basic subconscious drive that all creatures have. Everything we do, we do because we consciously or unconsciously believe that it will make us happy.

That more money will lead directly to more happiness is such a basic assumption that most people never stop to question it. When researchers at the University of Michigan asked research subjects what would improve the quality of their lives, the majority of the respondents said "more money."

The assumption that more money will bring us more happiness is etched into our consciousness, championed by our culture, promoted with billions of dollars of advertising each year, and institutionalized in our public policy. And it is still the primary promise of benefits that many investment advisors focus on. But is it true?

"Happiness" researchers have conducted more than 150 surveys all over the world with more than a 1 million participants. Let's take a look at what they have learned.

Since the end of WWII the purchasing power of American households has tripled. New homes are now twice as big as they were after the war, we have twice as many cars per person, and we eat out more often. The average American now lives much better than most of the kings and queens throughout history.

So are we happier? No!

This spectacular increase in wealth has had almost no positive effective on our society's happiness. In fact, from 1957 to 1996 the proportion of people telling the University of Chicago's National Opinion Research Center that they are "very happy" declined slightly (from 35% to 30%.) Over the same time period; divorce doubled, the prison population quintupled and major depression rose tenfold, turning it into the fourth most common debilitating disease. America's not alone; Europe and Japan have experienced the same basic trends.

One of the happiness researchers' more noteworthy findings came from a survey of Forbe's 400 wealthiest Americans. These cent millionaires and billionaires were asked to rate their life satisfaction from "extremely dissatisfied" (1) to "extremely satisfied" (7). Surprisingly, the respondents' average rating was 5.7, only slightly above the average rating.

But here's the really interesting part. Masai tribesmen from Kenya in East Africa also participated in the life satisfaction survey. Although they live in huts made out of dirt and cow dung, herd cattle for a living, have no electricity or running water, and don't have any money, they also rated themselves a 5.7 in the life satisfaction scale.

Quite a few studies now show that believing that money is more important than other values-like relationships with loved ones, spirituality, a feeling that your life is contributing to the greater good-is actually detrimental to happiness. Clearly there's more to happiness than wealth, luxury and material comforts.

So, how much is the right amount of money to maximize our happiness? Here's the bottom line from the scientific research on happiness-once we have enough money to pay for life's basics like food, clothing and housing, more money has very little impact on our happiness.

More money does buy more happiness and well-being if you are poor, and increases fairly quickly until you achieve a solid middle class income. But research shows once your household income reaches the middle class range, increased income has a diminishing positive impact on your happiness and well-being.

The point is, above a certain income level, which isn't by any means "wealthy", additional income alone has almost no impact on our happiness. And depending on the price you pay to earn it, more income could even reduce your quality of life.

In fact, a large and growing number of studies support happiness researcher Ed Diener's comment that, "Materialism is toxic for happiness." But most Americans don't seem to believe this.

Why, if we tell researchers that more money doesn't make us happier, do we chase it so hard? We could blame it on advertisers and the media, two giant institutions that have a vested interest in having us consume more and more stuff each year. But there is another, more subtle villain; the subconscious workings of our brain.

Psychologists have developed a term "hedonic treadmill" to describe humans adaptation to more wealth and material goods. So if you get a new car, you will be happier for a while, but then you will adapt, and so think it's normal. In order to maintain the same level of happiness through consumption, you must continually buy new things. This is what the concept of "retail therapy" is all about. Adaptation is great for the economy, but bad for you and your financial security.

As an investment advisor, I often work with people who believe that more money will buy them more happiness. As evidenced by this article, in reality, I should help clients determine what will really make them happy and then determine how much income their ideal life will require. It may be a lot less than they originally thought.

Dave Young, President and founder of Paragon Wealth Management, has helped his clients enhance their financial well-being since he began managing money in 1986. He was his first client after he sold his 12 franchise businesses and couldn't find a traditional brokerage firm to meet his needs.

From his personal investment experience, he knew there was a better option to managing money. Later that year, he started his own investment firm. When he avoided the 1987 stock market crash, his methods sparked a lot of interest.

Today, this undiscovered money manager in Utah currently manages 60 million dollars plus for 150 clients.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 23 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Mule Email Scam Hits U.S.

Imagine this – you open up your email box and an international company is offering you a dream job – you can be an agent for them – a financial intermediary – receiving payments for them and transferring money to them, and, naturally, keeping a commission on each transaction.

There’s no investment, no money required. They are just looking for people with a good reputation that they can trust with their money.

The company needs a local agent because US banking laws restrict the accounts that a foreign company has, unless they have a U.S. citizen as a registered agent of the company.

It sounds really good. After all, the company is overseas and it needs a U.S. Agent to receive payments and all you have to do is wire-transfer the money to the company account overseas, less your commission.

There seems to be no way to lose, since you won’t be putting out any of YOUR money and YOU have control over all incoming and outgoing payments.

You can’t lose, can you?

Unfortunately you can. Take this job and you become a “money mule” – an unwitting participant in a scheme to defraud others.
Here’s how it works: The company may or may not have a good looking website with what sounds like a legitimate name, “Techhydraulik” and says it’s based in Germany.

Sounds like it is a technology company having something to do with hydraulics, doesn’t it?

However, it is really an Internet front for Bad Guys who need to be able to transfer money out of the United States from people that they have defrauded through “Phishing.”

Phishing is the practice of setting up fake bank sites that look just like the real bank site (for example, Wells Fargo) and sending emails to millions of people saying that there is an irregularity in their Wells Fargo account and to “click on the link to confirm your information or your account will be closed”.

When you click on the link and fill out the fields for your account number, username and passwords, it sends the information to the Bad Guys who empty your account. Believe it or not, tens of thousands of people fall for this each year.

The Bad Guys then send the payment to their agent (you), and you wire-transfer the money, less your commission, to their overseas account.

Several weeks or months later, perhaps, there is a knock at your door and the FBI wants to know why you are receiving stolen funds. You explain that the funds are not stolen, they are payments for equipment purchased by people from Techhydraulik, and you are their legitimate agent.

You may not be held criminally liable since you were an unknowing dupe, but you may certainly be liable for repayment of all of the money that passed through your hands.

And of course, the real perpetrators have long ago closed that overseas account and disappeared.

How can you protect yourself?

Go to www.betterwhois.com and look up the information about the company’s website. You’ll be able to see when the .com was registered.

Typically, the names are registered just a few days before the email is sent out, because the individual websites are generally only up for a few days or weeks, to make it hard for authorities to trace. For example, techhydraulik.com was registered on August 2nd and the fraudulent email was sent out on August 15. Chances are the website will be gone shortly.

The techhydraulik.com website is hosted by computers in Russia where laws are lax and recovery is unlikely. It’s also possible that if you did visit the techhydraulik site, your computer would be infested with password stealers, key loggers and spyware.

The Internet is a wonderful tool. It is also a place where you need to protect yourself from becoming a victim.

Sign up for the free "The Blinking Cursor News" to stay on top of the latest scams and shams on the Internet.

© Steve Freedman, Archer Strategic Alliances 2005 All Rights Reserved


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Sending Money to Mexico

With a large number of Mexican citizens living and working in the United States, several methods have been made available for sending money from the United States to Mexico. As technology has made new electronic methods of sending cash available, a very competitive environment for companies that offer money transfer services has emerged. This is great news for consumer looking to send money to Mexico.

There are several methods that are relatively easy, each with its own set of costs, requirements, time lines, and advantages.

Some of these methods include:

Bank Transfers: There are essentially three ways that money can be sent to Mexico through a local US bank. The first is a wire transfer, which generally costs between $25 and $65. In order to initiate a wire transfer, the sender must have a valid bank account in the US and the recipient must have a valid bank account in Mexico. The sender must have all of the required information for the receiving bank, including the SWIFT number, an international bank identification number.

In addition to wire transfers, bank customers can purchase a "C-draft," which is essentially a money order purchased from a bank. The sender of the C-draft must mail the money order to the recipient, which can take longer that many money senders would prefer.

Finally, people sending money can also choose to purchase a cashier's check. The downside with a cashier's check is that the bank in Mexico may choose to put the check on hold while it verifies that the check is valid, which could take several days.

Prepaid Debit Card: An individual sending money to Mexico can have a debit or ATM card issued and sent via Fed Ex to the intended recipient of the funds. That card can either be given access to a bank account directly or be loaded with a prepaid amount. The sender will have access to the cash through any ATM machine included in the network of the sending bank. It may take a few days to get the card into the recipient's hands, but this method can be used again and again with the same debit card. Costs for this service are generally reasonable and almost always lower than fees for a wire transfer.

Money Transfer Service: Money transfer services are another option but will charge a fee when you consider that a prepaid debit card can get money there quickly at a fraction of the cost. The recipient of the funds must have access to a money transfer agent in Mexico, which can be challenging.

This is a secure and popular way to send money, although there are a rising number of options just as fast as a money transfer service that make sending money even more convenient for the sender and the recipient.

The companies working to increase their share of the business for money being sent to Mexico are certain to keep this landscape competitive, ensuring that consumers will continue to have access to faster, safer, and more effective ways to send money.

For more information on sending money or money transfer both within the United States and abroad visit Send Money

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วันพุธที่ 21 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Mechanics of Money

Money. It's something all of us want, but so few of us have. Even when the economy is good the money struggle is our ever-constant companion.

Money makes our society go round. To simply exist in our world takes money. We need it to eat, have a roof over our head, get around in the city and for practically anything else we might want to do. Almost everything costs something.

But money seems hard to come by. We are always lusting after more and wondering where ours went. We spend more than we make and we owe more than we can afford to pay. Making it is tough, but nothing is easier than making it disappear.

Why is it so common to be broke, in debt, financially strained, stressed and wondering how to get by? Why is it so common to live paycheque to paycheque, waiting for that tax return, borrowing from the bank and racking up that credit card... I mean ALL those credit cards. Investment seems like a foreign word. "What's that?" you may wonder. In a world ruled by money, why does it seem so easy to lose the money game?

The answer is simple: no one ever taught us how to play. No one ever taught us the rules, showed us the ropes and told us how to win. Instead, our society keeps us prisoners of a game we cannot possible win because we have no idea how to play. Those who know the rules and the tricks win, while the rest of us slave away, simply trying to make ends meet. Being wealthy is such an accomplishment because our society does an incredible job of conditioning us to spend, spend, spend and to depend, depend, depend on credit. From every direction we are incited to buy, buy, buy and borrow, borrow, borrow. Our society is designed to keep us poor and make corporations rich.

When we went to school we never took "Money 101." We never learned money management at all. We live in a society ruled by money but we don't know anything about how to make it, manage it or use it. All we know how to do is lose it. We were supposed to learn it all from our parents or somehow figure it out on our own, and if not, too bad for us! And then we expect to live the American Dream.

For most people, there is only one way to make money: get a job. But the wealthy know that you don't make money with a job... you get by with a job. The wealthy know that there are countless ways to make money, and they find them: investing, buying and selling, building businesses, creating products, joint ventures and the list goes on. The wealthy know that to profit, they need to provide value to other members of society. The poor think they need to make my by providing value to an employer.

In a capitalist economy a job might be the most obvious way to make money, but it's not necessarily the easiest. It's not the most effective and it's certainly not the most profitable. To learn to really make money, build a successful business, invest or buy and sell real estate, traditional education doesn't help. You have to dip your foot into an underground of private courses, books or coaching. Banks with billions of dollars urge us to take that credit card or line of credit as they put heaps of money into advertising and promotion. But it's the one-man show who wins us over for training to invest in real estate, profit through internet marketing or any of the myriad ways to make money in this world. Most people know all about the banks and nothing about all those one-man shows.

Capitalism promises equal opportunity for all but we don't live in a capitalist society; we live in a pseudo-capitalist society. From the outset we are disadvantaged since we are conditioned to believe we need to go to school and get a job to make money. We are taught that the most important things in life are security and a regular paycheque. Never once did a teacher suggest to me that one day I would grow up and be a mind coach and entrepreneur. I was taught to believe in the limitations of the world and that I should be realistic and aim to be an accountant or a lawyer or a teacher. Aptitude tests never suggested I could be a Guy Laliberté, Bill Gates, Jack Canfield or Tony Robbins. No teacher ever told me that I could grow up and build companies or invest in real-estate or market products on the internet. What I heard was "Learn your math and get good grades or you won't get a job." "I didn't want a job," I remember thinking.

Those things that really make our society go round - innovation, the entrepreneurial mindset and creativity - were not supported in school. Our society thrives on risk taking, but we leave entrepreneurship to chance. Instead we are programmed to consume and borrow. To spend but not to make.

So here's how it works for most people. You aren't making much, but you just had to have that nice place, so your rent costs half of your monthly salary. You had to have the nice car too and so there's really not much left over at the end of the month. You eat out daily because you just don't have the time to cook. And when you are broke you still buy that $5 latté because you need your coffee, don't you? You have no savings, no investments and of course, you have to have the newest phone and gadget. Charge it, finance it or borrow the cash... whatever it takes to have whatever you want now. So you always just scrape by.

Our money habits are ruled by the need for instantaneous gratification instead of a sense that is not so common. We forget about long term goals and in fact, most people don't even set goals when it comes to money. Except winning the lottery of course.

When it comes to money, most people are worried, stressed, anxious and afraid. We are broke, in debt and overwhelmed, and we are bewildered when the economy slumps. But the wealthy know that fear, doubt and worry are not the keys to wealth.

The path to money making begins with a decision. The decision to learn the rules of the money game. Then we can play and play to win.

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วันอังคารที่ 20 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Ten Money Principles

Here are ten principles that work about having money and building wealth.

1. Money is energy. It is a fair form of energy exchange. This constant form of exchange allows us to become present and conscious. If you don’t believe that just become distracted or unconscious about your money and see how fast it disappears.

2. Spirit and money are inseparable. To give a financial value to others is a spiritual act. And to make money creating wealth requires following spiritual laws. Stop feeling guilty about acquiring money. Money is not good or bad, it’s a neutral event until you place a judgment on it.

3. Having a creative idea- and envisioning- is the first step to creating wealth. The second is feeling what you would feel as a result of owning that wealth. As you hold those feelings, you attract what it is that gives you more of those feelings. Money is energy and can be magnetically attracted.

4. Creating wealth occurs as a result of setting values, the value of building wealth. If you do not hold a value of appreciation for building wealth, you will not. It’s important to place a high value on building wealth since you will do whatever you value. Wherever you place your attention is what you value and what you create.

5. It doesn’t matter how much money flows through your hands, its how much you choose to save. Wealthy people who do not save may not become financially free while people who do save even though they are menial laborers can become financially free because they save their money.

6. If you want to grow wealth but don’t have a spiritual calling that requires money then you will plateau your wealth. As a spiritual person you have a requirement to continually go inside to find your mission and grow yourself and excel in your spiritual purpose.

7. Love equals money. Until you allow yourself love, don’t expect to allow yourself money. If you don’t love yourself or value money for yourself then it will pass through your hands to those who do value it.

8. People who say, “I’m not in this for the money” will work their whole life focusing upon making money. People who save money find the freedom from it. People can have little money and be attached to it while people can have vast fortunes and have no attachment to it.

9. When you make a dollar you hang out with people with dollars. When you make thousands, you hang out with people who have thousands, and when you save a million, you hang out with people with millions. The more money people have, the more influence and the more they can help others.

And the final principle is; People who learn to save their money live longer because of less anxiety, better lifestyle, and better health care, etc.

Diana Sullivan, author and New Reality Coach, works with individuals and groups in the experience and process of manifesting their desires and creating wealth. She can be found at: http://www.createnewreality.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 19 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Smarts For Turbulent Times

Money Fears, Most Have a Few . . . What's Yours?

The average person works 10,000 days during her career (that's 40 years if you do the math). How much time are you willing to commit to figuring out what to do with the money you make? Or how to make it grow? And what about determining what you need to support you when you step away from your nursing career?

No one is born with a fear or attitude about money, yet you have some. Fears and attitudes-be they good, bad, or ugly-develop over time. No doubt, your upbringing is a major contributing factor. Past experiences-successes and failures-also play a critical role, as does society and your surroundings-the media, friends, family even how the government spends, creates and takes away moneys and programs are factors.

The Current Money Fiasco

Since last year, millions have felt some form of financial squeeze. For some, it was an unbelievable financial disaster that caught then totally off guard.

Thousands daily lost their jobs, their homes, their life savings-here yesterday, gone today. Poof ... it felt like it was an overnight happening.

Fat 401(k) accounts were slashed to a fraction of what they were just months earlier; homes that many counted on to yield a hefty part of their retirement seed plummeted in value; and the credit markets turned venomous. The perfect storm. Financial scandals, scams and corruption fermented everywhere. And fear ... unbelievable fear.

The Fear Factors
Understanding your money personality, your spending habits, your needs and wants and what may be hindering you from achieving your goals are critical factors in creating financial independence. Dealing with money fears that are blockers to success are a key ingredient to building assets.

The Fear of Being Broke
At the top of the list is the fear of being broke, "Will I have enough to buy the foods I want, the medications I need or be able to pay for the things I want to do when I stop working?"

Years ago, a client had asked me if I would take the time to go visit his mother. He told me that she had some investments, lived mostly off the dividends, interest and her monthly Social Security. He asked that I just check in with to see if she was getting a decent return on her portfolio.

I made the appointment and spent a pleasant two hours getting to know Martha. She was in her early sixties at the time and healthy. She believed that she was a good steward of her money. With financial data filled out, I promised to get back to her within the week with an update on several stocks and suggestions for any changes to her portfolio. As I got up to leave, she said, "What about my stash?"

She pointed the corner of her living room. All I saw was a big green, over-stuffed chair. "My stash . . . in the chair. . . and drapes."

My new client had stashed in excess of $30,000 over the years in her over stuffed green chair with matching draperies. She had lived through the Depression-never again would she, or her family, be without food if bad times hit again. It took me over a year to convince her to move her moneys to a money market fund that would earn her interest.

Did she move the entire amount? Nope, she insisted on a stash of $5,000 in the house, money that she could tap into for "whatever."

The reality is that whether you are rich, poor, or in-between, the person that you are going to have to depend the most on to keep you from the poorhouse is you and your smarts.

The Fear of Losing Money
At some point, everyone loses money. It can be from a bad investment, misplacing moneys, inflation erosion, failure to act or make a decision on your investments, making the wrong decision, losing a job or other resource of funds. It happens.

One advantage that many men have over women deals with attitude-women are more likely to be fearful of not being able to "make up" lost money; men more often believe that they can make it up/replace it the next go around. All is lost, it's part of the "game."

The Fear of Talking About Money
Upbringing is a key factor that shapes your money practices. Most adults "wish" that they had had training and guidance about money and investing as they grew up.

If you grew up in a family that openly discussed money and its many facets, you're in the minority. Not all of your friends will be on the same wave link as you are in money matters. Your awareness, and possibly non-intimidation to the topic, may actually intimidate them!

The Fear of Making Mistakes and Failing
Everyone makes mistakes. I wished I had $10 for each one I've made over the past 50 years plus. Mistakes that lead to a money loss can be personally and professionally crippling.

They happen. You get to choose-will they handicap and paralyze you? Or will you look at them as a learning and growth experience?

What you have to guard against is the reaction that the fear of failure and making mistakes can generate paralysis . . . getting stuck mentally. Making money mistakes and experiencing failures won't destroy you. Your key to resurrecting yourself is determining-

• What happened?
• What factors could you control, influence or alter?
• What factors could you not control?
• What did you learn, the pros and cons?

The Fear of Creating and Sticking to a Plan
Twenty-five percent of the American population believes that they will fund their retirement years by winning the Lottery! Fat chance.

Your best bet is to create a plan. Put it in writing for easier tracking. Financial plans are guide tools that start you on a path that will lead you to your stated money goals. They are not, though, set in granite. Times and circumstances change. So do investments and opportunities. That means that you don't create and stick it in the drawer. Your plan should be reviewed annually. It should be flexible. Life changes. You change.

The Fear of Borrowing Money
Wouldn't it be great to pay cash for everything, including your home? Few can. Sometimes, it makes sense to borrow money. But, over-borrowing and too much credit is quite common.

A credit card is used over 600 times every second of the day; over 36,000 times a minute; over 2 million times an hour; and over 52 million times a day. The average household owing in excess of $9,200 in credit card debt. What's yours?

If you are contemplating, or already have, borrowing money for a large item- a home or an education loan-increases your pay back amount by 10%. Why? Simply this-you will reduce the time your loan payoff paid by approximately one-third. That means you save big dollars and limit the time you "owe" someone.

In determining whether you should borrow or not, ask yourself if you need the item or do you want it. If you want it and can't (or aren't sure) you can pay off the amount over the designated time, don't buy it.

The Fear of Investing
When it comes to investing, there are no guarantees. The value of the initial money you invested can increase, decrease or remain stagnant in value.

Investing takes time and patience. Don't focus on what your investment is worth this week or even this month. Concentrate on the long haul-what are you saving for five or ten years from now? And when it comes to investing, invest in what you know and understand. Health care offers a huge range of possibilities.

The Fear of Not Trusting Yourself
Gender differences surface in the trust department with money and investing. Men are less inclined to stick with an advisor whose advice has gone sour and they don't abdicate financial decisions to someone else as easily as women do. Advisors can help . . . but don't discount your own experiences and intuitiveness.

So, What Are Your Fears?
Everyone has at least one. It's time to confront your deepest financial fear and get them in the open. Whether it's the fear of the soup kitchen or of making a mistake that is financially catastrophic, you can become inhibited from taking action.

Identify them. Write them down. Just the mere fact that they are on paper opens the door for you to commit and confront them head-on. Ask yourself,

• Are my fears realistic in today's environment?
• Are they relevant to what I currently do?
• Do they hinder me from moving on?
• Are they life threatening (to my spouse, partner, kids or job,

friends, me)?

There will always be some type of fear. Cartoon character Pogo said it best, "I have seen the enemy and the enemy is us." By bringing up your awareness level, identifying which fears influence your money decisions, you will achieve the first level of having money smarts.


©2009 Judith Briles, All Rights Reserved

Judith Briles holds both an MBA and DBA and is a sought after conference speaker. Prior to her career as a full time speaker and author, she was a stockbroker with EF Hutton & Co. and headed her own financial firm. She's the author of 26 books including Money Smarts for Turbulent Times: Master Financial Success in 30 Days!, Smart Money Moves for Kids, The Dollars and Sense of Divorce, Zapping Conflict in the Health Care Workplace and Stabotage! How to Deal with the Pit Bulls, Skunks, Snakes, Scorpions & Slugs in the Health Care Workplace. Judith lives in Colorado. Her website is http://www.Briles.com and she can be reached at JudithBriles@aol.com.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

10 Quick Tips to Save Money

Money, according to a classical definition, is what money does. And truth, as they say, is like a rubber band. Stretch it and it can do wonders. So if we can really make money in order to do whatever we want, there is nothing like that.

To provide 10 quick tips to save money is almost like a first-aid approach to a very intricate problem perhaps faced by almost each of us. It is important to know how to manage money efficiently to ensure bulky savings. Whether to save some part of what we have to spend or whether to spend at all on a service or commodity should be the first question to be answered.

Firstly in case of large investments, the first step for a prospective buyer is to identify and correlate the valuable item or service with need or desire. It is better to test its utility first, for example, by borrowing it for a fixed time period. If you are satisfied and convinced about its necessity and think that you really need that, you may buy it. But to save money, you as a wise consumer must find the best seller in terms of comparative pricing, quality & market reputation.

For lower priced items, one has to shop for the lowest prices, also keeping an eye on the quality aspect. For example, if you take the instance of buying clothes, the best purchase is off-season discount sale, wherein you can get good clothes at cheap rates.

For financial investments, like the stock market, follow the golden rule of buying volatile stocks when the price of an item is down & sell it when it is at a high. The profit thus earned can be invested in the equity market for steady items.

Today's Internet has provided the best opportunities to shop vigorously for the best price before you actually drop the money. Especially for insurance, loan facilities and financial management, one is spoiled for choices. Proper analysis of rates and amortization goes a long way in saving even hundreds of dollars in a year.

Change of plan in case of services like telephone, insurance, etc. can save you costly dollars provided you simply have the knowledge about the best existing plan.

Making a monthly budget for buying the essential items and regulating the number of luxury items can yield considerable savings.

Expensive weekends and extravagant outings should be replaced by reasonable excursion for wholesale entertainment.

Proper food planning and food habits result in better living, both financially and mentally. Stay healthy and you can save on medical bills. Having a proper food plan also prevents food from being wasted.

Paying the bills within due dates provides invaluable savings, because, in this case, as you have to pay, it is better to pay in time to avoid penalty.

If you are an employer, you should encourage flexible job responsibilities for your task force, making each one compatible with the work within a department. This will help in cutting down employees cost and help complete a task within time, even if someone is absent.

There are obviously several other ways to save money and lead a frugal life without tension. It is always told that money saved is money earned. Just keep it in mind and stay happy.

Martin Lukac represents RateTake Refinance Rates marketplace. RateTake matches consumers with multiple lenders offering low rates. Got too much credit debt? Get Debt Help and you'd be surprised what we can do together.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Making Money Online Business Opportunity 101

When it comes to making money online there are many many options. From creating your own site to sell your own products to buying and selling domain names to writing articles for big companies. Of all the options its hard to choose a making money online business opportunity to stick with.

In this article I'm going to be a little selfish and explain to you just a few of my favorite ways to make money online rather than go into detail about every single opportunity out there. If I did that I would be writing for many years no doubt trying to keep up with all them all.

The first making money online business opportunity I want to discuss with you is that of creating Adsense websites. Now you may already know that Google AdSense is a program that allow you to host advertisement that advertisers pay Google to display for them. Google will search your content for keywords and then search its network of advertisers for relevant ads to display on your website. Every time one of the visitors to your website clicks on an ad you'll get paid a percentage of the cost that the advertiser paid to Google and Google will keep the rest.

The beauty of this method is that you don't need to deal with any customers, you don't need employees, and once you do the work you'll keep getting paid over and over again (assuming people keep coming to your website and keep clicking on your ads :)Making money online business opportunities are excited because they can be so streamlined obviously.

My second favorite method has the same benefits and is very similar except instead of ads making you money its actual products. They wont be your products, don't worry. Why should you go to all that work when you can make good money just selling someone else's?

This method is called affiliate marketing. Essentially you affiliate with the owner of a product and agree on a percentage of payment. Every product of theirs that you refer you'll get a percentage of the revenue. This is a great way to make a lot of money without having to create your own product.

If I were to choose between the two I would go with AdSense. AdSense sites are a great making money online business opportunity that many people dismiss because it seems so meager. However once you master its intricacies can provide huge income with little to no effort.

Thrive Learning Institute Utah is a company specializing in one on one coaching for aspiring entrepreneurs. Thrive Learning Institute reviews many business models and creates actionable curriculum for the layman to understand and implement quickly.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Blog For Money

Although there are a number of different ways for you to put information on the Internet, blogging is really one of the easiest. However, how you post information to your blog can vary, depending on what you really plan on doing with it. For example, you may want to blog about your recent vacation or to let your family and friends know what has been going on in your life. This is simple enough and there are some excellent blog platforms available out there which allow you to do this for free. However, if you want to learn how to blog for money, you really should consider going a different route.

Before I get into how you can begin blogging for money, I want to let you know that it is certainly possible for you to start a free blog at Blogger.com and begin doing so. However, there are a number of reasons why you might want to consider investing a little bit of money in your own domain name along with some reliable hosting. First of all, many Internet savvy people will not necessarily want to look at a blog on one of these free services. They consider the information to be unreliable, especially if you're going after a niche that you intend making money in. That is one of the biggest secrets of how to blog for money, you need to invest a little bit into your own domain name.

Fortunately, it only costs about $10 per year to own the domain name and you can get hosting for as little as four dollars a month. Best of all, you can automatically set up a WordPress blog on your server if you have the right control panel available. My personal favorite is cPanel with Fantastico included. Ask your hosting company if they have this type of automated process available.

The only other thing that is really involved in how to blog for money is to begin posting content to the blog. You might want to do a little bit of research on how to choose the right keywords in order to land some quality traffic. You also want to make sure that your blog is focused on one particular niche so that it does not go into too many areas. These few things will go a long way in helping you to make consistent money, and you can take that to the bank.

And, if you're really interested in how to blog for money, then you must watch the videos at http://www.BloggingProductAnalysis.com. But HURRY...these videos will be pulled from the masses soon.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How To Make Money Using PayPal

Paypal is the dominant payment processor on the internet today. It is hard to go just two sites now without finding someone who accepts this as a form of payment, it has made buying things dangerously easy! So how do you flip the coin and make money using PayPal?

There are a few different options, let's look at each in turn:


Blogging is the act of setting up a website with a blog installed on it (or using one of the free versions that host it for you) which enables you to quickly post your thoughts/articles online whenever you want.

The reason this has become so popular is because it takes away almost all of the technical aspects of creating a site (depending how much you want to customise you site). So a blog can now be installed with just a few clicks and then all posts made with a few clicks.

To make money using PayPal and your blog then you can either sell services, like doing reviews for people, maybe writing articles for them, or try affiliate marketing or even selling your own books through the blog. The blog is the way you advertise to people so that as they are drawn to the content on your blog they get to see your adverts for the other items and may buy.

Affiliate marketing:

This is the art of getting people to visit a specific site using your link. You place links on your blog to sites that you want to make money from and get people to click through those links and visit the sites, if they then buy something you get a percentage of that sale.

Most affiliate schemes pay by cheque or direct bank deposit, but paydotcom.com pays straight into your PayPal account!

An ecommerce store:

The barriers to entry on the internet are very low, so anyone can open a store now and start to sell items online without much capital invested.

Pick yourself a niche, find somewhere to get stock from (you could even dropship things where you take payment for an item and then pay another company some of that money and they ship the goods straight to the customer for you), get your website setup and start to get people to it who will hopefully buy something!

If you decide to do this then you can use PayPal as your main method of payment and get instant cash sent to you every time you make a sale.

These are just the top three methods I have touched upon, there are many more ways to make money using PayPal. I have reviewed the top 3 products which teach you exactly how to start making money online, click here to see the reviews.

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วันพุธที่ 14 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Is Money the Root of All Evil?

Money is the root of all evil.

You sometimes hear people say negative things about money and for the most part these are the people who have none.

Some people will tell you that money can't buy you love. While this is true, it is a ridiculous statement. Love is an emotion, not a product available at the local grocery store. Do people who say this believe that you think you can actually buy love? Are they just expressing negative feelings for money because of their lack of it?

No matter what people say about money, the fact remains that is a vital part of life today. Money remains the only standardized trade for goods, services, information, personal debts and travel.

Without money you can't properly educate yourself. You can learn the things you are capable of learning or expand your awareness.

Without money you can't afford to eat the food that properly nourishes your body and gives you energy and vitality.

Without money you can't spare the time to properly exercise or have the amount of leisure to relax and put your mind at ease.

Without money you can't spend any considerable amount of time doing the things you love, and this is vital to your sanity.

Without money you can't travel and experience or understand a variety of cultures and societies.

Are all these things evil?

No they are not. In fact it would be hard to imagine having the lack of happiness in the presence of the things listed above.

The fact also remains that the good you can do on this planet is strictly limited to your presence, without substantial financial backing. I am not telling you that you shouldn't personally help people. I am saying that while you are personally help people, the money you have could be traveling the world building schools and hospitals, food banks and recycling plants. Your money could be researching the cure for diseases and making advancements in solar power and bio fuel.

Are these things evil?

I think people would be amazed how much free time they had if they weren't worried about money. Free time they could spend doing a multitude of things that would leave the planet in a better state than it was before they arrived.

Are any of these things mildly wrong? So who could call them evil?


Check out my website http://www.powerofpositivemind.com.

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วันอังคารที่ 13 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money Makes the World Go 'Round

I got to thinking about money after a meeting the other day. It is probably the #1 worry people have. I would say health comes first, but it only seems to outrank money if something is wrong, rarely does it come first from a position of a holistic or preventative mindset. Money has also been the main motivator in too many stories to count - movies, books, theater, art, and in real life. From the humorous to the dramatic, people will do just about anything for it and they let their lives revolve around it.

So if it is THAT important, why do people, especially women, spend so little time really understanding it? While there are exceptions, I would venture a guess that most people don't know where their money goes or have a solid foundational financial education. Money can be sexy and powerful, so why is it that really understanding how it works and our attitudes towards it don't make our priority list?

In my personal experience and in my work with clients, money ranks right up there with "no time" as the #1 reason we use for why we can't be, do, or have what we really want. So, what stops us from getting the education, awareness, and support we need to make money work for us and be an enabler for what we want versus an anchor holding us back and keeping us tethered in place (or sinking) as the case may be?

In a word, fear. Fear gets in our way of doing something about it. And, the beliefs and attitudes we've been taught and formed as we marched through the years of childhood up to and including this morning keep us rooted in it. Some of the fears my clients have shared include:

  • Not having enough money

  • Having a lot money and being successful

  • Intimidated by finances and afraid to learn

  • Afraid to ask spouse/significant other because he controls the checkbook

  • So deeply in debt or out of control and afraid to know the full extent of the situation

Money is more than just money. It has power beyond dollars and cents. The topic of money carries with it powerful emotions. After all, people are driven to do insane things for money such as staying in dead end jobs for decades, murdering, and stealing for it. It is so powerful in fact that it is sometimes hard to keep things in perspective and obey the golden rule - people first, then money.

Where Do You Stand?

Our views and behaviors around money are as varied as we are. I've personally known people at all ends of the scale from bankrupt musicians to millionaires who tape the soles of their shoes together so they don't have to spend money to buy new shoes. There's nothing wrong with being frugal and there's nothing wrong with spending money for enjoyment. The key is to understand your beliefs about money and the ins and outs of what you earn and what you spend.

Take some time to answer the following questions (Yes or No) so you can get a handle on where you are right now.

  • I know exactly what I earn.

  • I know where every last dollar I spend goes and why.

  • I know my financial goals and have a plan to reach them.

  • I have an independent financial professional who works solely for my best interests to help me understand and navigate the financial maze.

  • I spend less than I earn and save at least 10-15% of my income.

  • I do not carry credit card debit. I pay cash for everything or pay my balance in full each month.

Now, explore your beliefs by journaling about the following questions:

  • What were my family's attitudes towards money when I was growing up?

  • When someone says the word "money" to me, what is the first thing that comes to mind?

  • What do I think of people who have a lot of money? What do I think of people who have little money?

  • Complete this sentence: To me, money means_______.

What You Can Do To Build a Solid Foundation

Dealing with money is a lifelong affair. There is no quick fix solution or one size fits all. Even winning the lottery isn't a solution because most lottery winners end up right back where they were (or worse) because their beliefs and behaviors did not change. However, the good news is that you are in charge of and can take control of your financial future. You simply need to take an active role in the process.

The top actions I recommend are:

Invest in your financial education.

You can never go wrong investing time and money in your own education. With the amount of resources available on the Internet and in print there are no excuses for going through life with blinders on. Whether you read books like the ones I recommend at the end of this newsletter, tap into money related websites, or join a group like Savvy Ladies (http://www.savvyladies.com), information is readily available for you regardless of your current level of knowledge and income.

Take Control

The best activity I ever did was to keep track of every penny I spent for several months. You can achieve the same result by doing this activity for a typical month, but the longer you do it, the better. Simply track every penny that comes in to your life and every penny you spend. You will be amazed at what you learn. Whether you take on this task with a pocket notebook that you carry with you everywhere you go or take the high-tech automated route with software like Quicken or Microsoft Money, it is the #1 thing you can do to take charge of your finances.

Get Support

If you needed help with a physical ailment, you wouldn't dream of buying a book and needle and operating on yourself. You'd go to a trained medical professional. So, why fumble through the financial maze alone? Hiring a trained financial professional is a sound investment. Avoid people who make their money selling you stuff, and opt instead for a fee based planner so you know your best interests are at the forefront of their mind (not their next sales commission). You can find fee-only planners online via NAPFA (http://www.napfa.org/).

Remember that money isn't everything. It can never buy love, happiness, or good health. It can however be a powerful tool to help you achieve your goals and enjoy the journey.

Copyright 2005, Paula Gregorowicz and The Paula G. Company

Paula Gregorowicz and The Paula G Company specialize in helping stressed out and overwhelmed women business owners achieve more success without all the burnout and compromise. Author of the burnout busting eCourse "Nip Burnout in the Bud" available at http://www.avoidburnoutnow.com. Paula offers free help through her free newsletter at http://www.thepaulagcompany.com/newsletter.shtml. To learn more and download the FREE REPORT: "Top 10 Causes of Burnout and How to Avoid Them", visit her website at http://www.thepaulagcompany.com. E-mail her at paula@thepaulagcompany.com.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Money And the Law of Attraction

One of the most common goals people set when first learning about the Law of Attraction is to attract more money into their lives. Why struggle and not have enough? They are eager to find relief. Money carries such heavy emotional weight in our lives that attracting money is often one of the most difficult objectives. Our peace of mind, happiness, and security are all tied to the subject of money.

Unfortunately, placing such strong emphasis on the outcome of the attraction of money only creates more resistance to it. The more you think you desperately 'need' more money; the more you think you don't have enough; the more frustrated you get when it isn't showing up - the longer it's going to take to attract and manifest it.

The good news is that there are a few simple things you can do to make the process easier:

1) Relax - And Lighten Up!

The subject of money is no different than any other subject in your life that you are succeeding in. It is not the big deal that everyone makes it out to be. The more stressed and serious you are about attracting money, the harder it's going to be for it to happen.

Instead, think of it as a fun game and you'll be applying a perfect mixture of light, positive energy to the process - which is a natural prosperity attractor! In fact, make it your mission to be lighthearted and easygoing about money and everything else in your life from now on. Not only will you end up attracting more money, but also more love, joy, peace, fun and passion in all areas of your life.

The fact is it is no more difficult to manifest one dollar than it is one million dollars. The only difference between a person who is a millionaire and a person who is not is their individual belief that they can be one.

2) Be What You Want To Attract - And Have Gratitude!

Another common resistance factor is the lack of perception of the 'present.' You notice you are 'here' with not enough money, in the midst of lack and struggle, and you are trying to get over 'there', where there is abundance aplenty. What you'll eventually realize is that there is no 'here or there.' There is only right now, and whatever you are communicating to the Universe right now is what you are creating in your physical reality.

Rather than focusing on trying to 'attract' more money, 'become' a person who has all the money they could ever need. Think, feel and act as if your goal is already achieved, and the universe will make it so!

Focus daily on feeling happy, abundant, peaceful, secure, and be GRATEFUL for those things and you will attract life circumstances that correspond with those feelings.

3) Let go!

Don't worry about 'how' your money will come. Don't focus feverishly on winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance or anything else specific. Let the universe decide how it will come to you. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to receive more money and act on them if you see them, but otherwise feel the relief of knowing it's now on the way! This is easier said than done, but the more you try to control 'how' your abundance comes, the more resistance you create.

Therefore, if you are willing to trust and let go, you will then open a gateway for unlimited abundance to flow into your life. Furthermore, be sure to let go of 'when' money comes into your life. You might be tempted to set a deadline, but the universe has its own timing and wisdom.

Truth is, the universe has its own economy. That means no matter what is happening with the outside world, or with your neighbors, there will always be more than enough. It starts from within.

The B Happy In Life team invite you to http://www.bhappyinlife.com for 7 FREE lessons on the Law Of Attraction with Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and Michael Beckwith the master teachers of 'The Secret'...See you there TODAY!!

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