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Money and Relationships

Have you ever wondered at the power of money? I have and I came to realize that money is such a strong factor in life that it generally controls everything. It controls the way we run our lives and most definitely it controls the people we love. Most people would rather be in a love less relationship than be in a love relationship that lacks financial backing. No one likes to worry about what they will eat or how they are going to complete their mortgage fee. It is a no wonder therefor that thousands of couples fight over money daily. Sometimes I think if money was not introduced to this world, we would all be living happily. There is no separating money and relationships. However, when you are in a relationship, you should not let money control you. Make sure you and your partner have a general agreement about money, this way, you will prevent any ugly confrontations arising in future.

The men and women have their own problem with money. The ladies would like to believe that the men over use money and sometimes waste it in pointless drinking. The men on the other hand tend to think that the women spend a lot of money on pointless shopping on new cloths, makeup and new appliances. Men and women have their own problem and until they both realize they have a problem, a relationship might not work. Sometimes the best way of dealing with the problem of money and relationship is to have a spending limit per day. This way, there is not person who will spend more than is acceptable. This way the number of times people in relationships would fight about money would be few.

Sometimes couples agree to open one account where they can both manage their finances. Although this is a great idea, complications arises when you can no longer live together. Even if you open an account with your partner, make sure you have an account of your own that you have a way in. An account where you get to decide the amount which you can withdraw and how much you can use. This way, you will not feel like your wings are clipped in a relationship. Money and relationship are funny, just when you think you have got the idea your partner might decide to leave.

However, if you feel money is such a great issue in your relationship, you should go find help. Get help from a financial advisor. If the problem is with your partner and they are spending too much in buying something you should also get financial help. Attend some of the sessions with your partner to show him or her that you support them and you want them to recover from their money problem. Lastly, if you want your relationship to work you should never let money control what you do. Money is always going to be there and as long as it is there, the problems associated with them will not go away. All we need to do is to be people who can manage money and relationships.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Money and Relationships Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success,

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