วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Lots of Money Fast, Developing Systems

Often, people are rarely paid what they are worth or even by the amount of work they produce. There is a single defining characteristic that all people who earn large amounts of money have and that is the willingness, knowledge and skills to build systems. In this article I explore what it means to develop financial systems and how you can use them to make lots of money fast.

The key to systems is the leverage component. We all understand how leverage works and the typical leverage people think of is money leverage. By borrowing other peoples money, typically the banks, we leverage our deposit to control a much more valuable asset. A 10% change in the value of that asset represents a 90% change in our equity when compared to the deposit, for example.

But there are other types of leverage other than borrowed money. Systems give you time leverage and this important aspect of financial systems makes it possible to create a unit of value and reproduce that unit of value adding to your income. In a system, the work stays done. Unlike working for an hourly wage, where every day you begin from scratch and build up a daily bank of hours of time that is then paid for. A system is different. If you can create an automated unit of value that reliably makes you 50 cents per day and it takes an hour to create this small system. Then working 10 more hours creates 10 times the 50 cent income. It now becomes $5 a day and so on.

This type of leverage is just as effective as money leverage and building systems to make an income is a very effective way to make lots of money fast.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a remarkable "Rags to riches" story - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Quick Money Ideas - Money Psychology

Quick money is just as good as slow money. Slow money I consider anything connected to being a wage slave. Working for a pittance an hour is not my idea of quick money. Should you feel guilty if you make quick money rather than slow laborious money? Should you feel that you should sweat and toil for your money because money is so valuable? In actual fact money is important but life is for living, so lets look at some quick money ideas for you now.

If you change your mindset you will change your reality. Is that simple statement true or false? Really think about it now. If you truly change the way you perceive things, will you quickly and easily change your life and how you experience and perceive life. If you think life is hard, life is difficult and complicated, how will your life be in reality? Do you think it will actually be easy and simple or actually just reflect what your beliefs are.

The fact is changing your attitude can do amazing things for people and changing your perceptions and core beliefs about money will make you rich fast. Money psychology is an interesting field and it all comes down to the tapes playing in your head. These subtle back ground communications are there all day long as you experience every waking moment your past experience and beliefs are constantly there telling you things in response to your opinion of what your eyes and ears and even nose and taste tell you is happening in reality.

Change those tapes by being present and aware for just 3 weeks or 21 days and you will change your beliefs significantly for the better. change your mindset and change your life. If you want quick money, begin by examining these tapes and challenge yourself at every step to change those ideas and make sure they stick.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read about Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hard Money Lenders in Cleveland Ohio Area

What is a Hard Money Lender?

A Hard Money lender is an individual or a small company who lends to individuals with special needs to purchase their homes. These money lenders lend to those individuals who would find it difficult to get a home loan elsewhere. Hard money lenders will normally lend at a significantly higher interest rate and would normally lend money only when they feel that there is enough equity in the house which if the debtor defaults can be sold and recover the loans.

That sounds scary

Hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area are not loan sharks so you don’t need to worry about broken bones if you end up defaulting. These are just shrewd individuals who are filling in a gap which exists currently in the home loan industry. For instance traditional home loan lenders are wary of giving loans in a remote place say building a cabin near the Yosemite National park, this is where the Hard Money lender will step in.

Having said that, the interest rate will be quite steep, most probably in double digits and they would require around 40-50% equity of your own so that if it comes to foreclosure their part of the money is safe and they can recover it.

A few tips on finding the Hard Money Lenders

Hard Money lenders are normally difficult to find and if you use these tips it will help you to locate them:

  1. They look to operate within a given geographic distance so that they can check out the property themselves and make sure. So if you want to look for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area, you should look up the local classifieds and look for listings like “Trouble Finding a loan? Call us, Private Money Available”
  2. You can call up the mortgage brokers in and around the Ohio area and ask if they have any contacts of private investors who will be willing to put up money.
  3. You can look up the web and you will find links to various sites which will point you towards hard money lenders. For instance loans-only.com or REIclub are websites which purely has listing of Hard money lenders where you can seek out hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area.
  4. L2P Network looks like a starting point for anyone looking for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area and here you can get the contact numbers of various people for this purpose and who can then further lead you to the right people once they understand exactly what it is you are looking for.
  5. Mercury Capital and Kennedy Capital are two other sources if you require funds greater than a million dollars. They have hard money loans which cover the entire country including Ohio.
  6. Spread the word around and look out for middle men. Normally one is advised to avoid middle men but in this case it is better as they are actively seeking people who have money to invest and people who need money to loan out and may be able to help you out albeit a commission.
Is there anything I should be careful about?

One is you should be careful of some guys who will try to trick you into some sort of a deal where in it becomes very difficult for you to pay and you end up in foreclosure. A good idea is to keep in mind that you should have 35% of the property as equity in order to take care of the 12% - 18% that is normally charged on these loans.

Second is you must be careful about the repayment and at the first sign of trouble you should contact your lender and try and sort out a deal to avoid foreclosure.

Author - Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at hard money lenders or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - loans-only.com.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Ways to Make Money Fast and Easy

This is where the rubber meets the road. Traction is something we all lack when we are doing our research and ultimate field tests in the quest for our first million. More traction would be great whatever step in the ladder you are at.

We generally focus on helping fledgling millionaires in our work because it is the most rewarding and gives us the greatest bang for our buck. To see an individual go from clueless to savvy in a fortnight is a gratifying experience. When its our resources that helped that transformation, then its very satisfying indeed. So thats the area we focus on here. This is for people who need direction but have small resource capital to manufacture acceptable results.

So lets give you a little traction before you seize your jets.The following 5 strategies will give you the moves to take you to the first level. -A guy/gal with a proven idea that can be replicated-(An enviable position to be in)

1) Lets get this straight. Million dollar bank balances are numerical in nature. By that I mean a million bucks is not made up of 1 large million dollar bill. Its made up of exactly one million single's. Or to go to the lowest common denominator, its actually numerically made up of One thousand, million (or 1 billion) cents.

Make money fast and easy by thinking of money as numerical and therefore exponential. A dollar that you hold in your hand is the same as $1 million dollars. No difference at all. Its a seed that grows into a tree, then that tree spurrs more seeds. (I apologize for the metaphor, but how else can we put this so you understand the nature of the reality as it is)

2) When you approach your 1 million dollar goal, you are biting off much much more then you can chew thinking about that million.

To make money fast and easy always think small. Refine, refine, refine. Then duplicate, duplicate, duplicate. Are you with me? Is this making sense? Make a simple little mouse trap, then make lots of mouse traps exactly the same way.

3) Find demand and supply into that demand.

To make money fast and easy, even before you think about "what" you will do, you are going to research demand. You will become an expert at sniffing out needs. This skill is a millionaires bow and arrow. Let me tell you, most millionaires couldn't hit the side of a barn much less the bulls eye. But they DO know this. So their aim is not important. What is important is that the target is nice and gigantic. How can they miss?

Trust me, its what millionaires do, its how millionaires think. Always supply into Fat juicy demand where the picking is easy. Do you want medals of bravery or a million bucks asap?

4) Have a structure you never deviate from.

They always failed to plan when they planned to fail. Once your research is done never deviate from it. Give it a good run but if it doesn't work out for you then move on without shedding a single tear. Chance and "chaos theory" are fascinating things. Probability is what millionaires deal with. They never delude themselves into believing in absolutes.

To make money fast and easy, you will not work backwards or second guess yourself. Plant yourself firmly in the middle of the road on the high side and go forward. Don't make it up as you go. Stick to what your demand planning told you to do. Many give up after 1 failure, but probability is a funny thing. We think we can control it, but even when all your ducks are lined up in a row, it may not work. But give it a chance and let it prove itself and you may find over a number of attempts you will get the results you expected.

5) Diversify AND Go deep.

They call out diversify when it comes to investing. Fair enough. Things change and relying on just one source for your income stream is dangerous. And it is. But there are two sides to every coin.

The pareto principle states that reality and probability are stacked unevenly. We as rational human beings think of everything as equal and even. However scientific evidence and business experience tells a different story. The pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that 80% of your results comes from 20% of your activities. Is this significant if true? You bet. It means that of every effort you make, of all the many things you do to manufacture your results, only 20% actually is responsible for a large proportion (in fact 80%) of them.

So what does this mean in English? It means you can easily quadruple your results by finding out what that special 20% activity is and stop doing everything else. By focusing on just that 20% activity you will not only increase results, but you will create a new pareto principle refined of the old one at a higher level. In this way you move forward and evolve your activities to higher and higher levels.

To your health and rapid success.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars in the next 10 minutes and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a "Rags to riches" story that is remarkable - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the Easy Corporate Money Program©


To your Health and Rapid Success!

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Changing the Microsoft Money Categories

You can customize the Money categories in two basic ways. You can change-add to, edit, or delete from-the Money Category list, and you can specify in terms of mechanics how Money uses categories. Both types of category customization are often necessary. In the paragraphs below I describe how to perform both types of customization.

Thinking about the Categories You Need

Let me start by talking about the categories you probably need or want.

If you're using Microsoft Money to track personal finances or the business finances of a sole proprietorship or a single member limited liability that's treated as a sole proprietorship for income tax puposes,, the existing categories are probably fine.

If you're using Microsoft Money to track the business finances of a regular C corporation (including a limited liability company that's treated as a C corporation for income tax purposes), however, you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1120 corporation income tax return are available in Money.

Similarly, if you're using Money to track the business finances of a Subchapter S corporation (including a limited liability company that's treated for tax purposes as an S corporation), you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1120S corporation return are available in Money.

And, again similarly, if you're using Money to track the business finances of a partnership or a limited liability company treated as a partnership, you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1065 corporation return are available in Money.

Once you know which categories you want or need, modifying the actual category list is easy.

Modifying the Category List

Because it is the most common type of category customization, let me begin by explaining how you can change the category list. To change the category list, take the following steps:

1. Display the Money Category list.

To display the Money Category list, select Categories & Payees from the Accounts & Bills menu on the Money home page. When you do this, Money displays the Set Up Your Categories window.

2. Add any new category required.

To add a new category, click the New button. Money displays the first New Category dialog box. To create the new category, enter a name in the Name box. Then click a Category Type option button-Income or Expense-to identify which type of category you are creating.
Click the Next button. Money asks under which group the new category falls. To answer this question, select the group from the list that Money displays that best fits the new category. Click the Finish button. At this point, you have successfully set up the new category.

NOTE If you select a list from the list box, Money provides a more elaborate description of the category group in a box next to the list box of groups.

3. Delete any unneeded categories.

You can easily delete categories that you don't want on the Category list-and in fact, you should do so to simplify your list. To delete a category, simply scroll through the Category list in the Set Up Your Categories window until you find one you want to delete, click the category to select it, and then click the Delete button. Money deletes the category without asking for confirmation. If you need to delete additional categories, repeat this step as many times as needed.

4. As necessary, edit any category names or descriptions.

You can edit the category description that appears on the Category list. You may want to do this because this is the description that Money uses on reports that show
the category. You can also change the category type. To make either change, scroll through the list of categories until you find the one you want to change, click the
category to select it, and then click the Modify button. When you do this, Money displays the Modify Category dialog box.

To change the category name, simply replace the current contents of the New Name
text box. You can also use the Income Category and Expense Category buttons to change the category type for the selected categories. After you have made changes
to either the name or category type, click the OK button.

NOTE The Move button, which also appears on the Set Up Your Categories window, isn't really for modifying the Category list. The Move button displays the Move Transactions dialog box, which lets you recategorize the transactions you have
previously recorded. For example, suppose that you use the category electricity to record checks you write to the local power company. But then you realize that you really want to use a new category named utilities. The Move Transactions dialog box lets you, in effect, "move" all the transactions you categorized using the electricity category to the new utilities category. What actually happens when you use the Move button and its Move Transactions dialog box is that Money goes through all the transactions that have the electricity category and replaces the category electricity with the new category utilities.

5. As necessary, identify which new categories are tax-related. If you add any new categories to the Money Category list, you should indicate whether the new category is tax-related. A "tax-related" category is one that tracks an amount that appears on a line of your federal or state income tax return. To identify a new category as a tax-related category, click the Set Up Tax Categories
link. Money displays the Associate Money Categories With Tax Form Lines window.

Setting the Standard Categories Options

The Standard Categories box has other options you might want to use.
Clicking the Restore Standard Categories button restores the standard, default list of Income and Expense categories. In other words, by clicking this button, you erase your
changes to the Category list. These are the sorts of changes described in previous paragraphs.

Clicking the Remove Unused Categories button removes those categories from the Category list that you haven't used for recording transactions.

If you do click this button, you probably want to leave the Ask Me Before Removing Each Category check box empty. Otherwise, Money will ask you to confirm the deletion
of each unused category.

CPA Stephen L. Nelson is the author of do it yourself kits for Incorporating in Florida, Florida S corporation and Florida limited liability company.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Helpful Money Making Ideas

You want to make money but you need new ideas? Where would you search for them? And what it is in particular that you are looking for? Is it a job or home business? Or you might be an impresario with previous experience? What is your education? What skills do you have? These are some of the most important things that need consideration before you start looking for money making ideas. There are hundreds of options you might take advantage of but you should seek them. If I were to give you a piece of advice, I would recommend you to do what you are familiar with.
However, you can also try new things if that's what you are searching for. Generally speaking, making money costs money, so be ready to pay others for their helpful ideas, it can be a list of resources or any other useful information that has proved to be successful for them. There are quite some many people whose main business is incorporating money making ideas. This is how they make multiple streams of income and so they are constantly making money from one idea or another. Have me for an example, I am a registered nurse, I work part-time when I want to. I am also involved in a freelance writing and I work from home as an independent distributor for a famous health addition.

I've already made three streams of income and I also have another project related to internet programs on which I am working on at the moment. I was in the same situation like you when I started. I wanted to find money making ideas. I wished to work from home and do something that didn’t' require initial capital or lots of inventory. You might want to do some gardening for the neighbours or make rag rugs. You see, you have your own money making ideas, so simply write them down and get them realized. In case you want to make rag rugs but know nothing about making them and you don't have a loom, either, then it would be better for you if you leave this idea for now and try something else.

From my point of view searching for money making ideas is a fun thing to do, so don't get stressed. If you are looking for an employment position, then you'd better looked at the newspaper or contacted the unemployed office in your area. All that matters is how much time you can wait to make your money making ideas work. In case you don't really wish to make money for ten years, then medical school is what you are looking for. Not! You wouldn't make any money until you pay off your students loans. Look what experienced contractors have done with their money making ideas. You can try surfing the internet for money making ideas. However, be careful not to get conned by false investments, just keep your eyes open.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning finance. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Money Making Ideas [http://www.makingmoneymanual.com/making-money/making-money/helpful-money-making-ideas.html]

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Way to Earn Extra Money Without Getting a Second Job

Many times, people want to earn a little extra money, but don’t want to have to get a second job. The truth is, there are quite a few ways to earn extra money, and many of them don’t even require you to leave the house! Here are a few ways you can easily earn some extra money each month, with just a little time and effort:

· Use eBay: If you go through your house, you can look for things you don't use or want anymore, and sell it on eBay. Also, if you do any crafts, or make something others might like, you can sell that as well. You don’t even have to leave your house except to ship the item, and it can be done any time of day or night.

· Have a yard sale: Usually these are held on weekends, but you can get rid of anything you don’t want or need anymore, and make some quick money.

· Answer Surveys: There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you in cash or prizes to fill out surveys on the web. They can be filled out at your convenience, and you can end up getting a decent amount of money for it. While some only pay a little bit, other surveys are willing to pay a lot more!

· Mystery Shop: There are also many companies out there that will let you do mystery shopping. Here you will go to a store or restaurant and pose as a regular customer, but you will take a look around and watch how the store is run, and how the employees are. You will not only sometimes get a meal or product for free, but you will also end up getting paid as well. It’s not a way to make a huge amount of money, but it’s great to end up with a little extra cash, or a free meal every now and then.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn extra money without getting a second job. The best part is that most of these can be done on your own schedule, without having to set certain hours. While they will not bring in as much as your first income, they will definitely help pay the bills, or give you some extra money for whatever you need it for.

Jessica Mele has been researching ways to help people save money without changing their lifestyles. Check out http://www.dreamlinesavings.com for more ways to save money easily, and to find great deals without doing any of the work. You can also find Survey and Mystery Shopping companies on the site as well.

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