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Money Affirmations

Affirmations are statements that you want to be true. They are not new - in fact they have been used by successful people for centuries. They have helped many people achieve extraordinary results in their lives. Affirmations are the best way to reprogram your mind for ultimate success. Start using money affirmations daily to attract money.

Affirmations don't have to be long and complicated because if they are - you'll never remember them. Use the affirmations frequently. Repeat affirmations to yourself, over and over again until they become beliefs. You will then start behaving as if you are confident and competent because your mind will have accepted it as a new belief.

To eliminate the fear of not having enough money, say affirmation and pay your bills with positive money affirmations. This will help you to change your negative thoughts around bills. Repeat you money affirmations with passion, the higher your emotional state as you say them, the more effective they are.

Affirmations must be in the present tense. Never include the words no, not, or don't in an affirmation.

It's important to keep affirmations positive and interesting. Adjust them from time to time to eliminate boredom. Have fun with your affirmations.

The biggest challenge is remembering to say your affirmations daily. You can write your money affirmations on Post-Its and post them where you will see them frequently. Place them on your desk, in your car and in the place where you pay your bills. Place a copy of your affirmation on a mirror you use in the morning and at night. Each time you look in the mirror, read your money affirmations.

Here are some examples of money affirmations:

I always have more than enough money to meet my needs.

I receive a continuous flow of prosperity in my life.

I am a rich person.

I am wealthy.

I am prosperous.

I am a money magnet.

I pay my bills and other expenses more easily every month.

Use your affirmations to attract money while waiting in line or in traffic, every time you think about it, in the morning or / and before you go to bed.

Combine your money affirmations with daily visualizations and it will help you manifest your dreams much faster.

To your success,

Susan Gray

Visit Creating Wealth website for tips and advice on how to succeed.

Also be sure to check out our video affirmations page

Money Affirmations.

Our latest information page:

Attract Money.

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