วันเสาร์ที่ 5 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Make Lots of Money Fast, Developing Systems

Often, people are rarely paid what they are worth or even by the amount of work they produce. There is a single defining characteristic that all people who earn large amounts of money have and that is the willingness, knowledge and skills to build systems. In this article I explore what it means to develop financial systems and how you can use them to make lots of money fast.

The key to systems is the leverage component. We all understand how leverage works and the typical leverage people think of is money leverage. By borrowing other peoples money, typically the banks, we leverage our deposit to control a much more valuable asset. A 10% change in the value of that asset represents a 90% change in our equity when compared to the deposit, for example.

But there are other types of leverage other than borrowed money. Systems give you time leverage and this important aspect of financial systems makes it possible to create a unit of value and reproduce that unit of value adding to your income. In a system, the work stays done. Unlike working for an hourly wage, where every day you begin from scratch and build up a daily bank of hours of time that is then paid for. A system is different. If you can create an automated unit of value that reliably makes you 50 cents per day and it takes an hour to create this small system. Then working 10 more hours creates 10 times the 50 cent income. It now becomes $5 a day and so on.

This type of leverage is just as effective as money leverage and building systems to make an income is a very effective way to make lots of money fast.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a remarkable "Rags to riches" story - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 4 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Quick Money Ideas - Money Psychology

Quick money is just as good as slow money. Slow money I consider anything connected to being a wage slave. Working for a pittance an hour is not my idea of quick money. Should you feel guilty if you make quick money rather than slow laborious money? Should you feel that you should sweat and toil for your money because money is so valuable? In actual fact money is important but life is for living, so lets look at some quick money ideas for you now.

If you change your mindset you will change your reality. Is that simple statement true or false? Really think about it now. If you truly change the way you perceive things, will you quickly and easily change your life and how you experience and perceive life. If you think life is hard, life is difficult and complicated, how will your life be in reality? Do you think it will actually be easy and simple or actually just reflect what your beliefs are.

The fact is changing your attitude can do amazing things for people and changing your perceptions and core beliefs about money will make you rich fast. Money psychology is an interesting field and it all comes down to the tapes playing in your head. These subtle back ground communications are there all day long as you experience every waking moment your past experience and beliefs are constantly there telling you things in response to your opinion of what your eyes and ears and even nose and taste tell you is happening in reality.

Change those tapes by being present and aware for just 3 weeks or 21 days and you will change your beliefs significantly for the better. change your mindset and change your life. If you want quick money, begin by examining these tapes and challenge yourself at every step to change those ideas and make sure they stick.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read about Martin Thomas in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the easy corporate money program.


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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Hard Money Lenders in Cleveland Ohio Area

What is a Hard Money Lender?

A Hard Money lender is an individual or a small company who lends to individuals with special needs to purchase their homes. These money lenders lend to those individuals who would find it difficult to get a home loan elsewhere. Hard money lenders will normally lend at a significantly higher interest rate and would normally lend money only when they feel that there is enough equity in the house which if the debtor defaults can be sold and recover the loans.

That sounds scary

Hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area are not loan sharks so you don’t need to worry about broken bones if you end up defaulting. These are just shrewd individuals who are filling in a gap which exists currently in the home loan industry. For instance traditional home loan lenders are wary of giving loans in a remote place say building a cabin near the Yosemite National park, this is where the Hard Money lender will step in.

Having said that, the interest rate will be quite steep, most probably in double digits and they would require around 40-50% equity of your own so that if it comes to foreclosure their part of the money is safe and they can recover it.

A few tips on finding the Hard Money Lenders

Hard Money lenders are normally difficult to find and if you use these tips it will help you to locate them:

  1. They look to operate within a given geographic distance so that they can check out the property themselves and make sure. So if you want to look for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area, you should look up the local classifieds and look for listings like “Trouble Finding a loan? Call us, Private Money Available”
  2. You can call up the mortgage brokers in and around the Ohio area and ask if they have any contacts of private investors who will be willing to put up money.
  3. You can look up the web and you will find links to various sites which will point you towards hard money lenders. For instance loans-only.com or REIclub are websites which purely has listing of Hard money lenders where you can seek out hard money lenders in Cleveland Ohio area.
  4. L2P Network looks like a starting point for anyone looking for hard money lenders in cleveland ohio area and here you can get the contact numbers of various people for this purpose and who can then further lead you to the right people once they understand exactly what it is you are looking for.
  5. Mercury Capital and Kennedy Capital are two other sources if you require funds greater than a million dollars. They have hard money loans which cover the entire country including Ohio.
  6. Spread the word around and look out for middle men. Normally one is advised to avoid middle men but in this case it is better as they are actively seeking people who have money to invest and people who need money to loan out and may be able to help you out albeit a commission.
Is there anything I should be careful about?

One is you should be careful of some guys who will try to trick you into some sort of a deal where in it becomes very difficult for you to pay and you end up in foreclosure. A good idea is to keep in mind that you should have 35% of the property as equity in order to take care of the 12% - 18% that is normally charged on these loans.

Second is you must be careful about the repayment and at the first sign of trouble you should contact your lender and try and sort out a deal to avoid foreclosure.

Author - Bill Darken - There's a good student loan area along with more relevant general loans assistance such as home, car, and consolidation loans. There are highly informative eye opening articles and up-to-date loans news as well, see it here at hard money lenders or if the previous link is not working, you can paste this link in your browser - loans-only.com.

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วันพุธที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

5 Ways to Make Money Fast and Easy

This is where the rubber meets the road. Traction is something we all lack when we are doing our research and ultimate field tests in the quest for our first million. More traction would be great whatever step in the ladder you are at.

We generally focus on helping fledgling millionaires in our work because it is the most rewarding and gives us the greatest bang for our buck. To see an individual go from clueless to savvy in a fortnight is a gratifying experience. When its our resources that helped that transformation, then its very satisfying indeed. So thats the area we focus on here. This is for people who need direction but have small resource capital to manufacture acceptable results.

So lets give you a little traction before you seize your jets.The following 5 strategies will give you the moves to take you to the first level. -A guy/gal with a proven idea that can be replicated-(An enviable position to be in)

1) Lets get this straight. Million dollar bank balances are numerical in nature. By that I mean a million bucks is not made up of 1 large million dollar bill. Its made up of exactly one million single's. Or to go to the lowest common denominator, its actually numerically made up of One thousand, million (or 1 billion) cents.

Make money fast and easy by thinking of money as numerical and therefore exponential. A dollar that you hold in your hand is the same as $1 million dollars. No difference at all. Its a seed that grows into a tree, then that tree spurrs more seeds. (I apologize for the metaphor, but how else can we put this so you understand the nature of the reality as it is)

2) When you approach your 1 million dollar goal, you are biting off much much more then you can chew thinking about that million.

To make money fast and easy always think small. Refine, refine, refine. Then duplicate, duplicate, duplicate. Are you with me? Is this making sense? Make a simple little mouse trap, then make lots of mouse traps exactly the same way.

3) Find demand and supply into that demand.

To make money fast and easy, even before you think about "what" you will do, you are going to research demand. You will become an expert at sniffing out needs. This skill is a millionaires bow and arrow. Let me tell you, most millionaires couldn't hit the side of a barn much less the bulls eye. But they DO know this. So their aim is not important. What is important is that the target is nice and gigantic. How can they miss?

Trust me, its what millionaires do, its how millionaires think. Always supply into Fat juicy demand where the picking is easy. Do you want medals of bravery or a million bucks asap?

4) Have a structure you never deviate from.

They always failed to plan when they planned to fail. Once your research is done never deviate from it. Give it a good run but if it doesn't work out for you then move on without shedding a single tear. Chance and "chaos theory" are fascinating things. Probability is what millionaires deal with. They never delude themselves into believing in absolutes.

To make money fast and easy, you will not work backwards or second guess yourself. Plant yourself firmly in the middle of the road on the high side and go forward. Don't make it up as you go. Stick to what your demand planning told you to do. Many give up after 1 failure, but probability is a funny thing. We think we can control it, but even when all your ducks are lined up in a row, it may not work. But give it a chance and let it prove itself and you may find over a number of attempts you will get the results you expected.

5) Diversify AND Go deep.

They call out diversify when it comes to investing. Fair enough. Things change and relying on just one source for your income stream is dangerous. And it is. But there are two sides to every coin.

The pareto principle states that reality and probability are stacked unevenly. We as rational human beings think of everything as equal and even. However scientific evidence and business experience tells a different story. The pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that 80% of your results comes from 20% of your activities. Is this significant if true? You bet. It means that of every effort you make, of all the many things you do to manufacture your results, only 20% actually is responsible for a large proportion (in fact 80%) of them.

So what does this mean in English? It means you can easily quadruple your results by finding out what that special 20% activity is and stop doing everything else. By focusing on just that 20% activity you will not only increase results, but you will create a new pareto principle refined of the old one at a higher level. In this way you move forward and evolve your activities to higher and higher levels.

To your health and rapid success.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars in the next 10 minutes and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a "Rags to riches" story that is remarkable - Free! Quickest-way-to-make-money-on-earth.com

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the Easy Corporate Money Program©


To your Health and Rapid Success!

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วันอังคารที่ 1 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Changing the Microsoft Money Categories

You can customize the Money categories in two basic ways. You can change-add to, edit, or delete from-the Money Category list, and you can specify in terms of mechanics how Money uses categories. Both types of category customization are often necessary. In the paragraphs below I describe how to perform both types of customization.

Thinking about the Categories You Need

Let me start by talking about the categories you probably need or want.

If you're using Microsoft Money to track personal finances or the business finances of a sole proprietorship or a single member limited liability that's treated as a sole proprietorship for income tax puposes,, the existing categories are probably fine.

If you're using Microsoft Money to track the business finances of a regular C corporation (including a limited liability company that's treated as a C corporation for income tax purposes), however, you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1120 corporation income tax return are available in Money.

Similarly, if you're using Money to track the business finances of a Subchapter S corporation (including a limited liability company that's treated for tax purposes as an S corporation), you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1120S corporation return are available in Money.

And, again similarly, if you're using Money to track the business finances of a partnership or a limited liability company treated as a partnership, you probably want to make sure that the income and expense categories shown on the federal 1065 corporation return are available in Money.

Once you know which categories you want or need, modifying the actual category list is easy.

Modifying the Category List

Because it is the most common type of category customization, let me begin by explaining how you can change the category list. To change the category list, take the following steps:

1. Display the Money Category list.

To display the Money Category list, select Categories & Payees from the Accounts & Bills menu on the Money home page. When you do this, Money displays the Set Up Your Categories window.

2. Add any new category required.

To add a new category, click the New button. Money displays the first New Category dialog box. To create the new category, enter a name in the Name box. Then click a Category Type option button-Income or Expense-to identify which type of category you are creating.
Click the Next button. Money asks under which group the new category falls. To answer this question, select the group from the list that Money displays that best fits the new category. Click the Finish button. At this point, you have successfully set up the new category.

NOTE If you select a list from the list box, Money provides a more elaborate description of the category group in a box next to the list box of groups.

3. Delete any unneeded categories.

You can easily delete categories that you don't want on the Category list-and in fact, you should do so to simplify your list. To delete a category, simply scroll through the Category list in the Set Up Your Categories window until you find one you want to delete, click the category to select it, and then click the Delete button. Money deletes the category without asking for confirmation. If you need to delete additional categories, repeat this step as many times as needed.

4. As necessary, edit any category names or descriptions.

You can edit the category description that appears on the Category list. You may want to do this because this is the description that Money uses on reports that show
the category. You can also change the category type. To make either change, scroll through the list of categories until you find the one you want to change, click the
category to select it, and then click the Modify button. When you do this, Money displays the Modify Category dialog box.

To change the category name, simply replace the current contents of the New Name
text box. You can also use the Income Category and Expense Category buttons to change the category type for the selected categories. After you have made changes
to either the name or category type, click the OK button.

NOTE The Move button, which also appears on the Set Up Your Categories window, isn't really for modifying the Category list. The Move button displays the Move Transactions dialog box, which lets you recategorize the transactions you have
previously recorded. For example, suppose that you use the category electricity to record checks you write to the local power company. But then you realize that you really want to use a new category named utilities. The Move Transactions dialog box lets you, in effect, "move" all the transactions you categorized using the electricity category to the new utilities category. What actually happens when you use the Move button and its Move Transactions dialog box is that Money goes through all the transactions that have the electricity category and replaces the category electricity with the new category utilities.

5. As necessary, identify which new categories are tax-related. If you add any new categories to the Money Category list, you should indicate whether the new category is tax-related. A "tax-related" category is one that tracks an amount that appears on a line of your federal or state income tax return. To identify a new category as a tax-related category, click the Set Up Tax Categories
link. Money displays the Associate Money Categories With Tax Form Lines window.

Setting the Standard Categories Options

The Standard Categories box has other options you might want to use.
Clicking the Restore Standard Categories button restores the standard, default list of Income and Expense categories. In other words, by clicking this button, you erase your
changes to the Category list. These are the sorts of changes described in previous paragraphs.

Clicking the Remove Unused Categories button removes those categories from the Category list that you haven't used for recording transactions.

If you do click this button, you probably want to leave the Ask Me Before Removing Each Category check box empty. Otherwise, Money will ask you to confirm the deletion
of each unused category.

CPA Stephen L. Nelson is the author of do it yourself kits for Incorporating in Florida, Florida S corporation and Florida limited liability company.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Helpful Money Making Ideas

You want to make money but you need new ideas? Where would you search for them? And what it is in particular that you are looking for? Is it a job or home business? Or you might be an impresario with previous experience? What is your education? What skills do you have? These are some of the most important things that need consideration before you start looking for money making ideas. There are hundreds of options you might take advantage of but you should seek them. If I were to give you a piece of advice, I would recommend you to do what you are familiar with.
However, you can also try new things if that's what you are searching for. Generally speaking, making money costs money, so be ready to pay others for their helpful ideas, it can be a list of resources or any other useful information that has proved to be successful for them. There are quite some many people whose main business is incorporating money making ideas. This is how they make multiple streams of income and so they are constantly making money from one idea or another. Have me for an example, I am a registered nurse, I work part-time when I want to. I am also involved in a freelance writing and I work from home as an independent distributor for a famous health addition.

I've already made three streams of income and I also have another project related to internet programs on which I am working on at the moment. I was in the same situation like you when I started. I wanted to find money making ideas. I wished to work from home and do something that didn’t' require initial capital or lots of inventory. You might want to do some gardening for the neighbours or make rag rugs. You see, you have your own money making ideas, so simply write them down and get them realized. In case you want to make rag rugs but know nothing about making them and you don't have a loom, either, then it would be better for you if you leave this idea for now and try something else.

From my point of view searching for money making ideas is a fun thing to do, so don't get stressed. If you are looking for an employment position, then you'd better looked at the newspaper or contacted the unemployed office in your area. All that matters is how much time you can wait to make your money making ideas work. In case you don't really wish to make money for ten years, then medical school is what you are looking for. Not! You wouldn't make any money until you pay off your students loans. Look what experienced contractors have done with their money making ideas. You can try surfing the internet for money making ideas. However, be careful not to get conned by false investments, just keep your eyes open.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning finance. Get the information you are seeking now by visiting Money Making Ideas [http://www.makingmoneymanual.com/making-money/making-money/helpful-money-making-ideas.html]

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 29 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Way to Earn Extra Money Without Getting a Second Job

Many times, people want to earn a little extra money, but don’t want to have to get a second job. The truth is, there are quite a few ways to earn extra money, and many of them don’t even require you to leave the house! Here are a few ways you can easily earn some extra money each month, with just a little time and effort:

· Use eBay: If you go through your house, you can look for things you don't use or want anymore, and sell it on eBay. Also, if you do any crafts, or make something others might like, you can sell that as well. You don’t even have to leave your house except to ship the item, and it can be done any time of day or night.

· Have a yard sale: Usually these are held on weekends, but you can get rid of anything you don’t want or need anymore, and make some quick money.

· Answer Surveys: There are many companies out there that are willing to pay you in cash or prizes to fill out surveys on the web. They can be filled out at your convenience, and you can end up getting a decent amount of money for it. While some only pay a little bit, other surveys are willing to pay a lot more!

· Mystery Shop: There are also many companies out there that will let you do mystery shopping. Here you will go to a store or restaurant and pose as a regular customer, but you will take a look around and watch how the store is run, and how the employees are. You will not only sometimes get a meal or product for free, but you will also end up getting paid as well. It’s not a way to make a huge amount of money, but it’s great to end up with a little extra cash, or a free meal every now and then.

As you can see, there are many ways to earn extra money without getting a second job. The best part is that most of these can be done on your own schedule, without having to set certain hours. While they will not bring in as much as your first income, they will definitely help pay the bills, or give you some extra money for whatever you need it for.

Jessica Mele has been researching ways to help people save money without changing their lifestyles. Check out http://www.dreamlinesavings.com for more ways to save money easily, and to find great deals without doing any of the work. You can also find Survey and Mystery Shopping companies on the site as well.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Saving Money - How to Manage Money

Money Saving Tips - How to Manage Money

What should you do with your hard earned cash? There are many choices we face on a daily basis that can create confusion and can point us in in a different direction at any time. There are many things that we should and shouldn't do with regards to our finances and how to manage money. Let's go through some of the more important ways to start saving and put your money where it belongs.

1. Understanding when you should stop

The issue most people face when knowing how to manage money is knowing when you should stop. This may be a somewhat vague statement but I'll help clear that up. Understanding when you should stop can pertain to all kinds of different parts of your finances. You should know when to prevent buying things on each day, week or month and that all comes down to budgeting. You must understand when to stop investing in each part of your financial portfolio and start in another. You must understand when it is time to stop using the credit card and begin to buy with real money. These 'stops' are of vital importance to our financial success and there are many more. Every situation is unique and you need to go through some of the trouble areas in your financial life to discover where you need to stop. It could be you are paying too much for for your telephone and web service. You need to know when enough is enough and put an end to cash wasting services or purchases. The amount of money you will save if you know when to the draw the line will amaze you.

2. Eliminate Impulse Buys

All stores rely on impulse purchases more than any other item sold. They will draw you in with a great deal on several things in their flyer. You end up getting those items up but while you shop you purchase several other things that were not on the list. All of us can be sucked into the impulse buys when we go to the mall, convenience stores or the grocery store. Often times we don't know we've made an impulse buy. If you chew gum, have an issue of 'Cosmo' magazine on the coffee table or have fuzzy dice dangling from your car mirror it's likely you have made an impulse buy. We make impulse buys on an almost daily basis. Those purchases empty our wallet and savings account of a lot of cash. Here's an example of how much you can spend: If you pack of breath mints {per|each|every| week you are spending about $78 every year. Throw in one magazine each week, a Starbucks coffee every day, a chocolate bar every two weeks etc. It's not hard to do the math you'll figure out that we spend thousands of bucks each year on these items that we didn't plan on buying. If you avoid them you'll easily save thousands of dollars for your retirement plus you will know the basics of how to manage money.

3. Plan Ahead

Planning is key when dealing with your finances. If we go around without putting any thought into where our money is going there is a high likelihood that it will all be gone after a couple of weeks. They key tofor solid financial planning is planning ahead.

My Step by Step Advice:

1st: Know how much every guaranteed monthly expenses are and place aside that sum from your paycheck. Those items include electricity, cable, car payment etc.

2nd: Set aside $25 (or more) every week that will go into your emergency fund.

3rd: Make a meal plan and then do your weekly grocery shopping. If you have all the food you need in the house it will prevent you from going to the corner store to buy a loaf of bread for $4.

4th: Budget no more than 10% of your paycheck for weekly spending. If you spend that 10% by Monday then you don't get any more. Don't dip into next weeks budget and don't let last weeks budget roll over into the current week.

5th: Make a financial goal at least once a week. If you want to go south this March, create a goal to make that dream come true. If you want to own a house next year, start making that goal happen. If you want to save an extra $20 a week, figure out a way to make it happen. This will show you how to manage money and get you on the right track to your financial freedom.

Should you go out and spend your money with reckless abandon or save wisely? I'm pretty sure you know the answer to that question. Managing money isn't as hard as you think and can be easy to save for the retirement, house or vacation you've always dreamed about. You simply need to understand when enough is enough when it comes to spending. You also need to stop impulse purchases. The last thing is good financial planning. If you make an honest effort at making those 3 things happen, you will be close to knowing how to manage money better.


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วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Wallet Or Money Clip

Women had always been blessed with a wide variety of selection when it comes to carrying their money with them. They can choose to keep their cash and credit cards with the use of wallets, purses, or money bags and so forth. Men, on the other hand, used to have one choice alone and those are wallets.

Today, however, a new kid on the block has entered the picture; now, men can choose between two things to help them keep their money safe and accessible at all times: wallets and money clips.

The Advantages of Using Wallets for Men

Wider Variety of Selection - There are more designs to choose from with wallets as compared to money clips. Firstly, consider the size. Men's wallets can either be square shaped - which generally makes a perfect fit with a man's back pocket - or rectangular shaped, which male users prefer to place inside their coat pockets. Secondly, consider the materials used. Wallets can be made of genuine leather, plastic, or other types of fabric. Thirdly, consider the design itself. Wallets made by Polo, for instance, are famous for their green and black plaid design. Also, it's important to consider that there are various wallets that are specifically designed to appeal to children.

Non-Cash Item Storage - Wallets have undergone a huge amount of transition throughout the years, evolving in appearance and features to make it more useful to men's ever changing needs. Now, men's wallets can also store credit cards, photos, driver's license and other pertinent IDs, calling cards, and even small change, depending on the design of the wallet.

The Disadvantages of Using Wallets for Men

An Unappealing Bump - Wallets virtually bursting on the seams will create an unappealing bump on your back pocket, thus distorting your appearance from behind. As such, if you wish to make your wallet a seamless part of your pants, you need to decrease the amount of cash and other things you've placed in it.

Tendency to Lose Form and Shape - If you make a habit of placing your wallet in your back pocket and sitting on it, time will gradually make your wallet lose its original form and shape.

Wear and Tear - Wallets are more prone to wear and tear than money clips because of the types of material used to make them.

The Advantages of Using Money Clips for Men

Better Accessibility - There's no need for you to flip it open and close just to get your money. When you have to use your money, all you simply have to do is pull out appropriate bills from the clip.

Durability - No matter how much you sit on them, money clips ' because they're made of steel ' will never lose its shape or be prone to wear and tear.

The Disadvantages of Using Money Clips for Men

Poorer Selection - Unlike wallets, money clips give people a rather limited variety of styles, materials, and designs to choose from.

Either choice is acceptable and the winner in the battle between wallets and money clips will always and ultimately depend on the person's preferences. Of course, if you have a hard time choosing between the two then you can always decide to purchase both. There are after all certain situations where one will be more advantageous to use than the other and owning them both will thus keep your money safe for any eventuality.

Find The Best Money Clip for your needs, or the proper Wallet Money Clips, read more about Money Clips at http://moneyclips.advice-tips.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Clever Ways to Make Extra Money

The truth is that there are a lot of clever ways to make extra money. Some of them are self-serving and take advantage of others, others are genuinely beneficial to everyone. So, while thinking of clever ways to make extra money, it is important to think about how each of these options will last in the long run. After all, you want to make money for a long time, not just until you get caught.

The internet is full of clever ways to make extra money. If you were to search in Google for "make money" you would get 111,000,000 options.

Common ways to make money

Paid Surveys - Companies offer you rewards to respond to surveys. These rewards are anything from points to cash, some cash rewards being as high as $50. Sounds good, right? In my experience the surveys are infrequent at best (at least, too infrequent to make a decent amount of money) unless you happen to be in the right demographic (usually wealthy enough to not be doing paid surveys).

Instant Wealth Programs - Anything offering you an instant way to get rich is probably not going to get you rich. It will, however, make the person you bought it from rich (and that is the hidden secret "that nobody tells you" to getting rich). Clever for them, not so much for you.

Online Auctions - If you have a product to sell this is a good option to use. If you want to try and find good deals, that you can then resell later, it is a little tricky unless you know your items and have a good sized investment to start off with. This is one way to make money that requires you to be extremely clever.

E-Books on Making Money - There are some real gems out in the e-book world. In fact, most of these books are pretty reasonable in price and offer some good information. Remember though, the internet is changing constantly and soon the lessons in that e-book will be obsolete. You could go out and buy another e-book, but then you would run into the same problem again and there's nothing clever about that.

Affiliate Marketing - Millions of people all over the world are looking for millions of products to buy. They are looking for reviews, tips, tricks, and secrets to all sorts of topics that you could provide for them. Affiliate marketing is basically bringing the customer (who is already looking for this product) to the product (who will then pay you for bringing the customer). There are a lot of ways to do affiliate marketing; websites, email, forums, or articles. There are infinite ways to use this form of marketing.

Article Marketing - By far one of the most clever ways to make extra money that I know of. There is no investment and it builds residual income as you go. People are looking for information all the time and you can provide it for them. The key is finding what they're looking for and you have to be very clever to do that.

The little tricks in article marketing are what really make the difference between a few sales and a lot of sales. Visit http://www.squidoo.com/writearticlesmakemoney for some FREE advice.

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วันพุธที่ 25 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Ways To Make Money Online For Teens

Making money online seems too good to be true. Making millions of dollars in just a few minutes a day is probably impossible, but making money online is a very attainable goal. No, you probably won't make millions in a month, but it is possible to make a few bucks or, if you work really hard, a full time income.

If you want to make money online, you need to know what to look for. There are programs that can make you some extra cash or ways to make some serious income. You can start your own business, but if you have no experience on the internet and don't have any money, it might not be the best place to start.

If you want to make money without starting your own business, there are many ways to do so. There are tons of websites that claim they will make you money. Some will and some won't. You can write articles and be paid for each article or for each view, you can get paid to take surveys, or you can get paid to fill out offers. If you love to write, I would suggest joining a program that pays you to write. Some of the best article writing sites are Associate Content and Helium.

Associated content pays you $3 to $20 per article if it is approved. You can still get it published even if it's not approved and approved or not make $1.50 per 1,000 views. If you have several articles, you can get more and more page views and get paid more money. Helium is a little different. They only pay you for page views. It has a unique feature where you rate other articles. You can choose a topic and write about it, even if 100 people already wrote about it. You can write informative articles or even short stories. Other writers rate the articles and the closer you are to number 1, the more page views you will get and the more money you can make. They also have a marketplace where you can sell articles for $16 or more.

If you aren't much of a writer, there are lots of great get paid to programs, also known as GPT programs. You sign up for different offers by filling in your email and other information. They pay you 50 cents, $1, or more for each offer you do. Some offers are free trial offers that can pay you up to $20. You can do credit card offers, or you can do just free offers and still make a lot of money. My favorite GPT sites are Cashcrate and Swatcash. If you put in the time and really try, you can make as much money as a part time job but without the boss and strict hours. Click on the link in my author bio box to learn more about how you can make money from these sites.

Making money online sometimes seems too good to be true, but it is possible. You just need to know where to look. Once you've found the right program, you can start making money online today. Give it a try!

Samantha is currently attending college for a degree in accounting and likes to write about money management to teach others how to stay financially sane in a world where debt is overwhelming and money management skills are lacking. To learn more about money management and ways for teens to make money, visit her website. Also, check out more ways to make money online.

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วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Numerology's Money Number - How Will You Do Financially In Life

Want to know how you can best make Money in life, how you'll do financially? Numerology can tell you how you are best suited to deal with Money in your life. We just need to find your Money number.

Calculating your Money Number

Your Money number comes from a specific branch of Numerology called Yantra or Magic Square numerology. It consist of constructing a Magic square using your birth date numbers, and then interpreting the values in the specific boxes in the square.

Your Money number is found by taking day of the month you were born on, adding (1), then reducing the result by fadic addition.

For example, actor Johnny Depp was born on June 9th, 1963; so his Money number would be calculated as follows:

Money number = (Day of Birth Month + 1) = (9 + 1) = (10) = (1)

The Money number values and their meanings are listed below.

Money Number (1)

You like complete control of your money. You don't mind some hard work as long as you are well paid for it. You may decide to work for yourself; be your own boss, in order to really control the money you make.

Money Number (2)

You have very strong intuition when it comes to decisions about money; both making it, and spending it wisely. You can tell if a proposal is good or bad even when the data suggest otherwise. Note that it may take a while for you to learn to trust your instincts.

Money Number (3)

You can talk your way to money. You have strong communication skills which you can turn to for a living. You would probably make a good salesman, entertainer, or life coach. You have no problem coming up with money making ideas, but following through on them is difficult.

Money Number (4)

You are attracted to conservative career choices. You will happily work your way up the corporate ladder to a position of trust and responsibility. You expect to work long and hard for what you get, and take pride in each stop along the way.

Money Number (5)

You are drawn to careers involving buying and selling; making deals. You love variety in your work, and will probably change careers several times in your life. You like being your own boss; and hate being coached and told just what to do in your work. You will try to find a job where you can travel a lot.

Money Number (6)

You must have a stable job in order to be happy. Job security is key for you; you dread not being employed, or having a steady income. Your actual job is not that important to you, for your family always comes first in your life. You will probably receive some kind of money from your family during your life, perhaps an inheritance of some kind.

Money Number (7)

You want to work in a technical job; one related to science or research. You love the study and problem solving involved in you work. You seldom earn great wealth from your work, for you place job satisfaction ahead of financial gain.

Money Number (8)

You are good at making money. You will either be self-employed, or hold a high position in someone else's company. You focus your energies on making money; like it perhaps too well. You need to make sure and develop some other interest in life so your work won't consume you.

Money Number (9)

You like to work for humanitarian causes and organizations. Your desire to help others can cause you to be overly generous when it comes to giving of your time and money. You see money as simply a means to an end; only having value for what it can do for people.

Money Number (11)

You can market your ideas and make money. You usually need a partner to push you to do your best work. You tend to do well in creative fields: writing, composition, or editing work. You also do well in humanitarian areas such as education and social services. You don't do well working in business or finance.

Money Number (22)

You have the ability to make as much money as you wish; provided you are working at something you believe in. You do your best work when you believe that what you're doing will benefit humanity as a whole. You can't stand to work for selfish ends for long.

Keith Abbott is the developer and owner of 'Numerology 4 You' where you can order your own Numerology reading, including your personal Lucky Numbers. Visit him on the web today at http://www.numerology4you.com

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วันจันทร์ที่ 23 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Double Your Money in a Week

Believe it or not, it really is possible to double your money in a week. The key is to keep an eye out for investments that have a quick turn around.

One idea I've seen work for people is buying a large mixed lot of things to resell. These could be books, clothing or electronics. Usually there will be quite a few things included that won't sell for a ton of money. However, if you buy a large mixed lot it's very likely there will be a few items you can sell for a large profit. If you list the items for sale immediately, within a week you can see a return that will double what you've invested.

Another option is to purchase inexpensive products that you can personalize. People are always willing to pay a little extra for something that is really unique. For example, you could purchase plain t-shirts and buy a t-shirt customizing kit. You could then find a festival or sporting event happening in your area. If you customize the t-shirt to the event, you will find tons of people who will love to buy your homemade shirts. This takes a little time but you can easily mark-up your products and sell them for a huge product.

The key when looking for ideas to double your money in a week is to find things that can be sold quickly and for considerably more than you bought them for. With a little creativity, anyone can do it.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next hour, try what I did. I am making more money now than in my old business and you can too, read the amazing, true story, in the link below. When I joined I was skeptical for just ten seconds before I realized what this was. I was smiling from ear to ear and you will too.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 21 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Virginia Unclaimed Money - Millions In Lost Assets

The Commonwealth of Virginia is waiting for citizens to come forward and claim their lost money. The state currently sits atop a heap of VA unclaimed cash totaling in the tens of millions of dollars. More than $27 million was returned to Virginians in 2005, but that's only a fraction of what is available for claim.

Virginia, like every other state, continues to take in more unclaimed money than it doles out, primarily because most people simply are unaware of these funds, and those that are aware, don't know the proper way to locate them. There is a right way and a wrong way to search, and sadly most people haven't been taught the right way.

According to the Unclaimed Property Division of the VA Department of the Treasury, Virginia unclaimed money comes from a number of sources, which include (but are not limited to): "savings and checking accounts, wages or commissions, underlying shares, dividends, customer deposits, credit balances, gift certificates, credit memos, refunds".

A person doesn't have to currently reside in Virginia to be owed unclaimed funds, especially since most accounts must be dormant for 1 to 3 years before they're turned over to the state, and laws governing other types don't require that they be turned over for 7, 10, even 15 years! Leaving the state doesn't mean you've forfeited the money by any means.

In addition to people who've moved out of state, others may have never lived in Virginia. For example, some folks work for companies that have their headquarters in VA. Additionally, insurance companies are often based outside of the state of the insured person. For these reasons, things like stocks, premium overpayments, and refunds might exist as unclaimed cash in Virginia, even if the rightful owner has never even visited the state!

People who live in Virginia should also search in other states where there's a chance they're due a claim, for the same reasons that people who don't live in VA should search the Commonwealth's records.

There are a number of roadblocks that often prevent people from tracking down their missing money, but they mostly boil down to being uninformed about the best way to search. Not only do most people get in their own way by searching only one state, usually the one they live in, but they also tend to search once and call it quits.

As was mentioned earlier, each type of Virginia unclaimed property, and unclaimed property in all other states, have their own unique "dormancy periods" (years that must pass before the funds are turned over to the state to hold until you claim them). In addition to some property types having long dormancy periods, states don't update their searchable databases in real time, which means if the state is holding your funds, you may not find a record when searching, if they haven't added it to their system.

If a person searches their name on Monday, but the Virginia Department of Unclaimed Property didn't get around to adding the record of their funds until Tuesday, or the following week or month, the search might return a false negative.

These are just a few of the issues that often stand in the way of people trying to find VA unclaimed money for the first time, which is why it is imperative that you find someone with experience in this field to guide you through the process to find all possible claims.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site is http://www.unclaimedmoney.net which is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Virginia unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 20 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

How to Make Money From Home Online

The number one question going though thousands of minds - How to make money from home online? A very profitable and easy way is affiliate marketing, described below.

One of the best ways to make money from home online is Internet Marketing.

Because the Internet is enormous there are dozens of different ways to make money online.

Affiliate Marketing is one avenue within Internet Marketing.

Simply put affiliate marketing is advertising. Companies don't want to hire a whole department for advertising. They would have to pay thousands of dollars or more for payroll, insurance, unemployment funds and so on. So instead they set up accounts with trusted affiliate programs.

There is a company called Clickbank, it is an affiliate program, and one of the largest.

Now Clickbank allows individuals to join as an affiliate, which by the way is free to join. From there you can choose over thousands of products to promote online. Once you have a product you then take a special link and post it pretty much anywhere on the Internet. By anywhere I'm referring to forums, chat rooms, blogs, emails, and your own websites. The list goes on and on.

The next step is actually very simple. If someone is sent to the product website through your link and make a purchase you get a percentage. The percentage varies from company to company. You can earn anywhere from 5% to 75%. You could probably earn more than 75% for a product, however I have not promoted anything over a 75% commission. Another thing I would like to mention is that some companies sell memberships to certain programs. Instead of them giving a one time payment for a purchase, they will give you a recurring payment for every month or week that person remains in the membership.

With affiliate marketing you can choose to do free advertising or paid advertising. Free advertising requires a little more work and sales -which means money for you- takes a little longer to come in. I believe free advertising is the best way to start. Now with paid advertising AKA - PPC - sales come in very quickly. I would like to point out that if you don't know what you are doing with PPC you could lose money very quickly as well. If you are interested in PPC, there are dozens of programs available that teach you how to use PPC effectively. I suggest investing a small amount of money to gain knowledge of PPC instead of losing hundreds by jumping in blindly. Free advertising and paid advertising work great together. Why? Because the money made from free advertising can then be for paid advertising.

Affiliate marketing is one of the few ways to start an online business with no large amounts of money up front.

I hope I answered the infamous question, how to make money from home online? If you are interested in affiliate marketing and wish to learn the techniques that will make you money Click Here! If you would like to learn more about Internet Marketing and all avenues, including affiliate marketing, Click Here!

I will be adding more articles on different ways to make money online. You can view those by clicking the article source link below. If you found this article through a search engine and wish to return simply bookmark this page.

Again I hope this information was useful and I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Free Government Money Secrets Exposed

Some of your taxes go to pay for government grants, and you are entitled to claim some of this free money for yourself. Federal government grants are loans without the loan agreement. In other words, it is money that you get to spend and never have to pay back.

There are thousands of different grants and billions of dollars set aside that the government must give away every year. And qualifying has nothing to do with your personal information. It doesn't matter if you have good debt or bad debt, they just want to give the money away to people that will use it appropriately.

Only one stipulation is usually tied to these free money grants. That is to use the money in the matter that it was intended for. As an example, if you receive a $200,000 grant to restore your home, you can't use the money to pay off your debt. If you receive $50,000 to pay off your debt, you can't use it to start a day care business.

But what you can do is apply for as many of these federal government grants and receive free money as many times as you like. It doesn't matter if you have already received a grant or not. All that matters is you apply.

Unfortunately, most people are either aware of these free grants or do not know how to go through the process of applying for them. That's because the government does not advertise these programs in any way. You have to do the legwork and find these programs on your own.

Since so few people take advantage of them, the government is face with giving the money to just about anyone that applies. They have to give the money away, and if they don't get enough applications, they are left with fewer people to select from to give the money away. That means there's a good chance that you can apply for free money, get accepted, and receive a check in the mail shortly thereafter.

All you need to do is access a database of these federal government grants From there you can submit an application online or through the mail. Get started with claiming your free money. Access the database by going to http://www.govfunds.info

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วันพุธที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Find Your Unclaimed Money - Find Out the Money Owed to You

Billions of dollars of unclaimed money owed to the public sits in the government for years while waiting for the right owner to claim it. Have you heard of this? If not, it is not surprising because it is estimated that 9 out of 10 households are owed cash that sits unclaimed year after year and they don't know about it. You maybe one of these people and you need to find out.

Maybe you are hesitant to find your unclaimed money because you are wondering where all these money came from and why they are forgotten and became unclaimed money. Every year millions of dollars become lost when banks, companies and government agencies lose track of the money they are holding due to mistakes in account numbers, names and addresses. Other sources are old pay checks, tax refunds, dividends, bonds, stocks, proceeds from insurances, forgotten deposit accounts, trust money and even inheritance that's owed to you that you don't know.

Are you now interested to find your unclaimed money? But before your search you should know that unclaimed money is eventually transferred to the government. If the organization holding this money is unable to contact the owner for a certain period of time, the money will be classed as unclaimed and will be turned over to the government, federal reserves or corporations and languish there for years waiting for the right owner to claim it.

Do not assume that you don't have one; some people never expected of having money waiting for them until one day they decided to search for their unclaimed property or money and they were shocked to find out that they have unclaimed treasures.

Do you want to find your unclaimed money and discover that there is money waiting for you? Unclaimed money search current database lists millions of dollars in unclaimed money, property, accounts and assets that could belong to you. To find your unclaimed money visit People Search

For Government-records visit Government-Records

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Find Your Unclaimed Money- Find Out the Money Owed to You. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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วันอังคารที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Google Money Pro Review

My Google Money Pro review is going to end with a thumbs up. I am also going to suggest that if you buy the product, you offset the cost of Google Money Pro by reviewing it yourself and getting paid to do so.

If you advertise using Google AdWords you'll have figured out for yourself that pay per click marketing is not for the easily intimidated. Google does its best to deter all but the most knowledgeable advertisers. Those $5 and $10 minimum bids that are blocking you are Google's way of saying "You don't know enough about the game of pay per click advertising for us to bother working with you. Come back when you've figured it out."

So what can you do to get back into Google's good graces?

Read Google Money Pro for starters. Unlike a lot of the other Adwords guides out there, this one is actually written by someone who knows the game inside out. Steven Holdaway is a Google Qualified Advertising Professional. What this means is that he is one of the few serious AdWords users to have been certified by Google as an expert in the art of Google AdWords advertising. To even qualify for the testing requires that you spent thousands of dollars per week in AdWords fees.

Holdaway earns around $160,000 per month from his AdWords campaigns, while spending less than a quarter of this amount on his AdWords fees. All the knowledge he has gained from more than seven years of dealing with Google on a daily basis has ended up in his book Google Money Pro. Better yet, he does all this simply by creating campaigns that help sell the products of other vendors. His Google AdWords expertise takes him beyond the realm of the regular super affiliates, and makes him exactly the kind of person you want to learn from.

Fortunately his Google Money Pro product turns out to be an easy to follow, step by step, illustrated guide. If you intend to make a go of pay per click marketing, then Holdaway's instruction will put you on a solid foundation for profitability.

If you want to know what makes him really successful, and this is something explained in detail in Google Money Pro itself, it is that Holdaway has figured out how to set up his campaigns in the way that Google wants them to be set up. He knows how to query the AdWords machine to get advice on all the keywords that he ought to be using. Rather than hitting his head against the wall, and coming up with his own keywords - which is the kind of thing that can lead to those $5 and $10 minimum bid prices - Google tells him what kind of keywords he needs to use to run profitable campaigns.

Holdaway has also mastered the art of manipulating his AdWords Quality Score to bring his bid prices way down. In the book he shows you what he does to maintain an average bid price of just 8 cents across all campaigns.

So, that's Google Money Pro in a nutshell. The book is 150+ pages of just the kind of material you want from someone who has tamed Google AdWords and understands how to pass that knowledge on to you. If you are at all serious about dominating Google AdWords, this is one very good title to have on your shelf.

If you decide to buy a copy of Google Money Pro, instead of thanking me for pointing you in the direction of a great resource, why not write your own review of the book when you're done? I'll even pay you up to $30 for your review (click on the link for details) and then make it available to others so they can benefit from your experience.

Stephen Carter is the creator of a recognized review application.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Answers Everything

Money is a taboo subject for a lot of people especially who see a shortage of money in their pocket books. Being prosperous is not only about having money, but it is a part of the whole scope of things. Money answers everything. Without money, you are limited in what you can do. The greed of money is what should be scoffed at, but money is harmless. You are the one who should be the master of money and not let it master you. It is only a piece of harmless paper and yet so many of us think of it as being illusive.

There are some people who can't keep the money or are not good stewards of their money, so getting more is not their answer. First, they need to learn how to develop an awareness of money and think of it as an idea. Money is an exchange for something; whether good or bad. People exchange money for services and some get greedy and exchange it for other illegal activities.

To have and keep money, you have to learn how to manage your money by creating budgets that you can afford and creatively using the money to pay your bills on time and saving some of it. The most important thing you need to do is to pay yourself first. When you do this, you solidify that you can appropriate money to the right channel and it gives you a better sense of what money can do for you.

If your desire is to get more money, there is certainly nothing wrong with that. As long as your desire and reason line up, then it will benefit your more. Money cannot bring happiness or give you health. Some people have so much money and they are unhappy and lonely. Money is your friend. It is not evil. It can be used for the good of the world if you put it to good use. Money is something tangible, but has intangible value as well because if your thought of money is to help your family and give to others, those thoughts can manifest into tangible reality. As long as you are prepared to handle the money you want, it will come to you.

If you have money management problems, then seek a financial advisor or financial coach to help you to see why you can't keep money or why you can't make ends meet. It could be the fear of success. Some people subconsciously keep money from coming to them by not being able to envision their success with it. Some people are seeking it for the wrong reasons and some people just think that they are not worthy of having money. Whatever the reason, it is safe to say that you need some help in determining the factors that are affecting your money flow.

A professional coach will help you to learn how to do less spending, how to save more, how to invest your money wisely and how to dig into your subconscious to find out what is blocking you.

Search for different ways to make multiple streams of income when you have trained your subconscious to accept that you are ready to receive a money flow into your life.

Develop a prosperous mindset. Don't think about your lack of money. Think only of how you will attract money to you in a positive way.

Whether from her home office in Dallas, Texas, or traveling around the country, SHARON CAPEHART, the Empress of Empowerment, makes it her mission to "wake up" women everywhere to the incredible potential they have long forgotten they possess. She is the author of "The Power 2 Be You!," creator of "A Woman's Path to Success" as well publisher of the FREE Power Up! ezine. Sharon's breakthrough "Path To Success" series helps women build a solid foundation for success as Sharon herself guides them on a journey to a life filled with excitement and personal power! "A Woman's Path To Success" is available now at http://www.positivelywomen.com

Sharon Capehart, Empress of Empowerment, is an Author, Coach, Speaker and Entrepreneur. Sharon will help you build a solid foundation of confidence, cultivate a success-oriented mindset, and walk with you on your journey to a life filled with Passion, Excitement and Personal Power. For more information please visit http://www.positivelywomen.com

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Make Extra Money From The Web

There are some very important things that you have to do before starting a business from the web. Let's go into detail about what you have to do while you are starting a business from the web.


There are a lot of people who underestimate this part about a business. When you research, you should look into the companies founder/CEO, the products that the company has, and the compensation plan. These are all very important aspects of a company. A lot of people who join a business mainly look at the compensation plan, but this is not the way to go. You make the money from the products and a good founder. If the products do not excite you, then you will not be successful. So, do a full research of the entire company and what they offer.

Get Started...

It's not good enough to just research a company. You have to jump the fence and actually join a business. It is a big leap, but you will not make any money if you do not join.

Get Help If You Need It

Everyone starts out a new internet marketer at sometime or another, so find a mentor who has experience in internet marketing. Having a mentor will help you get through the obstacles that you might face. By having a mentor, they will also show you different marketing strategies that you did not know about. This is very helpful, and it can help make money a lot faster.

Don't Give Up!

Do not get discouraged if you do not make money right away. It takes time for someone to make money online, so when you feel discouraged, just think about why you joined an online business. You want to be your own boss, spend more time with your family, and not having to worry about your finances.

If you want to make money from the web, visit Bruce Beard's [http://www.sixfigureyrincome.com] website.

Bruce Beard is a top internet marketer and one of the top internet earners in the home businesses industry. He specializes in helping others succeed in marketing online home businesses.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 14 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

The Best Money Game For Kids

If you have ever had the experience of living paycheck to paycheck and wondering how you will ever pay your bills, you have certainly learned a lesson or two at the school of hard knocks. Why would you want your children to learn those lessons the hard way too? Sure, your kids can learn about money by playing a dozen different computer or board games, like Monopoly and Life, but none of those are best suited for teaching your children about money. The best money game for children is definitely real life.

Growing up, the most you learned about money and investing was probably playing Monopoly with Mom and Dad. You probably had a great time purchasing real estate, houses, hotels, and collecting rent. Then an hour into the game, you or one of the other players probably went bankrupt. We've all won and lost at the game of Monopoly, but it's just not the same when these financial ups and downs happen in real life. A board game will not prepare your kids for the real world.

The best, and only, money game for children that will ever teach your kids how to properly deal with money and stay out of a financial mess as an adult is real life. Children as young as four are old enough to understand money concepts. What your children learn from real life money experiences will only translate positively to their financial experiences as adults. Something as simple as a child doing household chores for an allowance to save up for a prized video game or other item will teach them in leaps and bounds. This respect for earning and saving will only translate into a good work ethic and the likelihood of fiscal responsibility.

Go ahead and teach your children that money is a tool that is most effective when managed and used properly. Let them learn and understand that money is an essential tool that can help them build up their lives. As your child earns an allowance, let him make his own financial mistakes and learn from them while he is still young. Making such mistakes at the age of five and learning from them will possibly prevent similar errors when he is twenty-five.

Will your kids have money problems when they grow up? To find out take the Kids Financial Future Index Your answers to 12 yes/no questions can forecast the financial future of your children.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 13 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money-Saving Advice

Saving money is a task we could all improve on. After the bills have been paid, many people find themselves rewarding their hard work at the office with weekend getaways, dinners out, new gadgets and countless other forms of entertainment. The truth is, there's absolutely nothing wrong with this! But, saving and spending should be a game of balance, and the these tips will get you off to a great start:

  • Set up an automatic weekly account transfer from your checking to savings account. This way, you'll be forced to save.

  • Keep a budget: With the advent of online banking, many of us forgo those Excel sheets that let us see our financial state for what it truly is.

  • When you go grocery shopping, go with a list. How many of us have gone in empty-handed and come out with more than we wanted to?

  • If you're tempted to make an impulse purchase, give yourself 24 hours to think it over. Chances are, that LCD TV won't be as tempting when you're not staring straight at it.

  • Keep a separate savings account for long-term financial goals or rainy days...and don't touch it.

  • Don't always turn to your credit cards. If you see your cash disappearing and find yourself making frequent ATM-run's, you'll definitely pick up on your spending habits.

  • Make short-term goals: For instance, set a limit each week of what you can spend and don't go beyond that figure.

Though these bits of advice will give you a sunnier financial situation, it's inevitable that we all run into sticky money scenarios at times. StarReviews describes how paycheck advance services are a viable resource when all else fails. If your bills are due and you simply don't have the funds, sites like PayDay OK can distribute cash into your accounts next-day if you're approved. Though there are fees involved and you really shouldn't get used to them, payday loans are a means to prevent late payments and interest on outstanding balances and bills.

Kelly Kasa is staff writer for StarReviews, a site dedicated to giving YOU, the consumer, the best product and web service reviews around. This article can be republished but must include this footer. For more information about money saving advice, visit StarReviews.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 12 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Illinois Unclaimed Money Approaches 1.4 Billion Dollars

In May 2007, Illinois State Treasurer State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias announced that the state's "Cash Dash" program is holding nearly $1.4 Billion in Illinois unclaimed money. The only thing standing between the cash and its rightful owners is the knowledge that it's out there and the ability to track it down.

Sadly in addition to Illinois, state treasury departments across the country continue to take in more unclaimed property each year than they return to the citizens. Because everyone believes in the old "if it's too good to be true" saying most people refuse to believe that there are really tens of billions of dollars waiting to be claimed nationwide. Even for those few who have realized the truth about unclaimed assets, the best way to locate these monies eludes them more often than not.

The Prairie is State is one of those rare states that holds over a billion dollars on its own which means if you're a resident of IL then you have even greater odds of finding a claim in your name, especially when you consider that the state has less than 13 million people and there are over 10 million names on the state's unclaimed funds list.

Although there are many more, Illinois lists the following as the most common types of missing money: abandoned savings and checking accounts, unpaid wages or commissions, stock, bonds, mutual funds, un-cashed dividends, customer deposits or overpayments, credit balances, refunds, money orders, travelers checks, paid-up life insurance policies, safe deposit box. Anyone who has had or knows someone who may have had one of these accounts at one time or another is encouraged to search regularly.

The IL State Treasury has returned more than $432 million since it took over the unclaimed money program in 1999, $84 million of which was returned in 2006 alone, but with $1.4 billion waiting to be claimed and more coming in all the time, the heap of cash will continue to grow.

Because money is constantly added to the fund, it is important to check regularly, not just once. Money owed to you might be added tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or depending on the type of asset in 5 years if that's the proper dormancy period. Each type of property has its own dormancy period in each state, after which state laws require the holder to turn it over to the state who will then hold it until the rightful owner steps forward to claim it.

Additionally, residents of Illinois may be owed unclaimed money in other states even if they've never lived in or even been to them. Things like insurance overpayments when an employer uses an out of state insurance company can result in found money located in other states. Issues often also arise when a corporations headquarters are in another state.

The bottom line is that the state of Illinois is currently home to a massive amount of money that belongs to its residents who simply need to learn the proper ways to search, where to search, and how often to search. Learning these search methods from locators with years of experience in this field can greatly enhance your abilities to find your money.

Unclaimed money and property expert Russ Johnson has been assisting Americans in finding their unclaimed money online since 1997. His site, http://www.unclaimedmoney.net, is updated regularly and offers guaranteed official searches for Illinois unclaimed money and missing money across the country.

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วันพุธที่ 11 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money Management Tips to Help You Avoid Falling in a Bind

Money is something that runs our lives. Whether we like it or not, money is a vital piece to our lives. If we do not have any money, we struggle; if we have an abundance of it, we can live our lives vicariously. In order to avoid falling in a bind with money, here are a few money management tips.

The first thing you want to do is make sure to pay all of your bills on time. The first bill you pay late will lead to the next bill, which in turn leads to the next bill. It is easier than you might expect to fall behind and get so far behind that you have nothing to do but curl into a ball. Do whatever you can to pay these bills on time.

The next tip is to read your bank statements regularly. Unfortunately, there are times when people will make charges onto your account without you realizing it. Identity fraud is something we have to be familiar with in our society. In addition to unknown charges, it will also help you become familiar with what you are making purchases of. This can help you cut back on anything that is hurting your account.

Part of unknown charges and paying attention to your account is checking your credit report annually. Having good credit is essential to the finance aspect of your life. You want to keep your credit as clean as possible. But if you do have bad credit, you will be able to work towards repairing it before it is too late if you check your credit report annually.

When money is not an issue, most people spend it willingly and do not take care of it. What you want to do instead is build an emergency fund for you to fall back on in case something goes wrong. You should have an emergency fund of at least three months of living expenses. Then if something goes wrong, you will not be in a complete bind.

The next money management tip is to shop around for the best insurance rates and coverage. Insurance is not cheap, but it can help you out in the future. If you take the time to actually research, you will be amazed at how much insurance companies vary from one another.

Lastly, put together a monthly budget for you to follow. One of the worst things people can do is spend money whenever they want without knowing where it is going. Having a monthly budget will allow you to better manage your money and avoid falling into money problems. And whether we like it or not, money does dominate our society.

Forest Marie is a successful Internet Entrepreneur and a top CarbonCopyPRO producer who specializes in teaching others how to build an international CarbonCopyPRO business on the Internet. To learn how Forest and his team build dynamic CarbonCopyPRO organizations, you need to download Forest's CarbonCopyPRO Secret Blueprint

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วันอังคารที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2552

Money, Motivation and Happiness

The question of money as a motivator in the workplace is not new. Years of research, and countless books and articles on motivation include references to money. However, much of the focus on money and motivation points to superficial needs of people or points toward the immediate gratification that money seems to bring. The inquiry around money as a motivator must be explored more deeply if one is to truly understand the nature of the so-called relationship between money and motivation.

There are a number of perspectives relating to money and motivation. Some of these are:

1. "I'm not making as much money as I'd like (the "starving artist" concept), but I absolutely love my work, or the flexibility, or the control I have, or the opportunity for creativity, etc."

2. "I need to be in this salary range, make this much money, because I need to be seen as "somebody" as opposed to "nobody" in my circle of friends, acquaintances, family, etc. who view "money" as a merit badge of some kind."

3. "It's not the money, per se, but what the money "gets" me....i.e., possessions, stuff, materialism, etc., pointing again, for some, to "being somebody" and being recognized, and gaining self-recognition, based on their material stuff."

4. "I need more and more money as I'll never have enough, reflecting the "your expenses always rise to meet your income" syndrome...as I said to an attorney client of mine, "If you feel you cannot live on 2 million dollars a year, what makes you think you can live on 3 million?"

5. Unconsciously filling the psycho-emotional "hole" of lack and deficiency...which subsumes one or more of the above...and is the driver of the obsession with having money and needing more money, and what money "gets" one in order to feel (albeit fleetingly) whole and complete. The illusion that money provides a sense of self, or a sense of one's worth or value.

At the end of the day, I, for one, subscribe to the intrinsic notion of motivation, that motivation is driven by one's values and so it's important to explore one's values and from where one's values emanate...from one's True and Real Self, one's Inner Core or from ego-driven needs for control, recognition and security...misguided values, the relentless pursuit of which, almost always leads to a living (certainly not a life) mired in the self-sabotaging thinking and behaviors reflecting frustration, resentment, anger, hate, rage, entitlement, misguided choices, and the feeling of never having or being enough.

When one comes from one's core values, one's Inner Sense of what is important in life and living, then intrinsic, or self-motivation, is at the heart of a life well-lived, at work, at home and at play...and is at the heart of creativity, self-management, self-responsibility, healthy behavior (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, social, financial). Money, in this sense, has a different emotional and psychological energy around it, a softer energy, not unlike the energy reflected in one who says, "I love my work and I can't believe I get paid for doing this."

Many folks, in the relentless pursuit of "money" actually lose sight of what it was in the first place that got their juices flowing...having the corner office occludes the initial love of the work, obtaining the title interferes with one's initial love of mentoring and supporting others...that the relentless pressure to make and have more money becomes more important than the joy one used to experience when one was focused on one's love of the work itself. Losing one's way along the way. The mid-life crisis...that now starts at 30.

Money as a driver then obscurates the clarity of one's choices and one often makes unfortunate and self-sabotaging choices when controlled by money. I, for one, see this all the time in my work with clients...some who have made self-defeating choices in their work life, social life and spiritual life because the lens with which they viewed their world and their place in the world had become "green."

For many of those who believe that "money" is the sign of success, or that money is what it takes to be "somebody", etc., long-term success is often unattainable; it's the "Sisyphean approach to living.

For many folks, it's when they have experienced enough anger, anxiety, feelings of inadequacy, terror, and loneliness, that reflected their need for money, and more money, and more money, that they then have the real motivation to change and adapt a life and lifestyle that is true Values-based, values that emanate from their True and Real Self, where money is important, but not an obsession (conscious or unconscious).

Motivation from this place is much different. Motivation from this place is not bounded by internalized pressures to have more, by rigid inner structures or beliefs, by paralyzing self-criticism that one is not (fill in the blank) for lack of enough money (whatever that is). That one's true worth and value is not financially driven. That one's purpose in life and the meaning one derives from work is intrinsically driven from one's Inner Core Values.

From this place, one comes to one's world of work or play from the perspective of a whole person, as one whose choices, volitions, motivations and intentions are driven by a freedom that was heretofore restricted and constricted by the "value" of money.

Finally, I have crossed paths with folks who feel that money allows them to be autonomous. Me, I see just the opposite. That money has forced many of these folks to live in an emotional and psychological prison whose bars are the self-defeating, self-sabotaging and controlling beliefs and behaviors driving these folks to do, be, and have in a way that forces them into a lifestyle (again, not a life) mimicking the lifestyles of the folks living in their prisons on either side of them...the illusion of autonomy, not the actions of one living from the place of one's True and Real self.

From this Inner Self, the energy of "I am", "I can", "I will", "I have", "I choose", "I love", "I create" and "I enjoy", that is, motivation and intention, flows with a sense of purposefulness, ease, grace, settledness and grounding that does not have a "price tag."

(c) 2005, Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D. All rights in all media reserved.


Peter G. Vajda, Ph.D, C.P.C. is a founding partner of SpiritHeart, an Atlanta-based company that supports conscious living through coaching, counseling and facilitating. With a practice based on the dynamic intersection of mind, body, emotion and spirit - that is, Essential Well BE-ing - Peter's approach focuses on personal, business, relational and spiritual coaching. He is a professional speaker and published author. For more information contact http://www.spiritheart.net, pvajda@spiritheart.net or phone 770.804.9125

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